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15.04.2007 Sisters take a dirtnap! by Dalrek

I have been putting off updating the frontpage cause I felt we were close to having some big news to announce, and here you have it: Raging Fury gets another scalp in our belt as we take yet another serverfirst kill by defeating the infamous Mayong's Mistresses event in Solteris

The Sister event... what can be said about this event. It is mean and unforgiving. It is unlike most other endgame raids cause you did not have alot of flagging to do and no other raids to kill to unlock this event. It has been accesible to pretty much every guild in Everquest that was interested in trying it since the first week after TBS launched. I think it is safe to say that not alot of guilds will be able to walk over this event no matter how easy the flagging for Solteris was. The road has been frustrating for alot of people cause it simply seemed unbeatable for our guild due to lacking DPS. I still find it funny that the first guilds to beat this said it is not about DPS. Ofcourse you cannot neglect your healers, curers, slowers etc but this is not an event where you just compensate by offtanking, kiting and more maintank switches cause the fight takes longer due to low DPS. That being said, I agree with what others have said that the fight is highly customizeable and takes alot of tweaking

If I heard correctly in guildchat last night, someone said he had around 150 entries in his log with failures on this event. Ofcourse that includes attempts where we wiped halfway and even aborting right after starting, but I think this shows the determination we have put into beating this. Eventually we found the setup that works for our guild and the people we have on raids and we found the focus that is definitely needed to execute the tactics you need to win. So I am happy to say that while some events in TSS left the impression that they were too easy and there wasnt really much cheering since it did no feel that much like a victory, this fight definitely gives a sense of accomplishment when you finally beat it


Other guilds have made a big deal out of posting their raidcomposition on the winning attempt. I am not gonna bother doing that. I dont consider us a DPS guild, but pretty balanced actually, so instead I will just show some of the action and a scrapbook picture of the winning team. That team obviously includes members that wasnt online that specific day but came each day and helped us beat this. They deserve a place in that pic as much as anyone else, right next to our secret weapon

Sisters take a dirtnap! Team

Congratulations to Sidarx and Fulast on their new bracers

Pristine Energeiac Plate Bracer Hardened Energeiac Leather Wristguard

And congratulations to Illandra and Bebop on each getting a shiny new ring

Christine's Engagement Ring

While we are filling up nicely and are having full raids again now thanks to some nice new additions, we are still interested in hearing from a few more people, especially a wizard, necromancer, paladin to name a few. You are able to see the full list here! Both native AB players as well as servertransfers are more than welcome to apply. Once you make up your mind, please send us your info either as PM or preferably via e-mail here: Apply! and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact Illandra or Corvard as well as any officer online.

01.04.2008 A new hope! by Dalrek

Big changes this week! I'm proud to announce that we finally came up with the solution to Triality's supremacy, especially in maturity. After only 7 years among the top guilds serverwide, it was clear we were doing something wrong. It has taken us a while to figure out what. How do you compete with someone who can outdps, outtank and outheal your entire guild with just 4 groups?? As usual we just threw together some random people in a group and asked them to come up with a solution, but you know, we just plain suck at figuring out stuff. So only one thing left to do:

We consulted Dr. Zaar over at Triton headquarters. He is the serverwide #1 expert on megalomania and other delusions and one of the few people in the world who had been granted an audience with Quarken the Almighty

Since no single guild could even match up against 4 groups, the solution was simple. A merger! And not just any merger! After talking it over with the other guilds on the server who have beaten last expansion and are far progressed in MMM, we agreed it was futile.

The solution: We have taken the best of Raging fury, Shadows of Doom, Tide and Darkwind to form a new unstoppabble force!

Raging DarkTide of Doom

We have decided its time to stop being so soft, letting people slip by with 75% raidattendance and only 5 days of raiding. Our new requirement will be 95% RA, 7 days per week and if you dont show up, you have to go downstairs in the livingroom and get a note from your mom explaining why. Thats how the big guys play it!

After the merge, our roster has swollen considerable, but we can always squeeze in a few more. Who knows, some guild might tune next expansion to their setup, so we have to be prepared! If interested, check here.

19.04.2010 Sunday afternoon double feature by Imrahil

OK, this Sunday afternoon Raging Fury had a really nice show going on. For the past few weeks we had been working on Brath (aka the big bad golem event) and the Cliknar Guardians (aka ants).

We had had Brath at 45 percent on Tuesday and on 4 percent on Thursday, so we were quite optimistic that today he would fall. Being the leet minimum-DPS-guild we have been known as for ages (5 pallies in the raid FTW!) we managed to wipe at 0 percent on the first go today, but on the second run we did better and he finally fell on his face.

Feeling brave after this victory we thought "why not visit those pesky insects and exterminate them?" so we moved to Arthicrex and after some fine tuning on the execution we managed to make it two first kills on one day - a real Sunday afternoon double feature!

Afterwards we went for a fast look at the Cliknar Queen herself, but she was a bit annoyed about the havoc we brought to her underlings and gave us a royal spanking. Well, 3 in a row would have been too much I guess, although it would have saved me the trouble of having to write another news update soon.

PS: We have filled some of the open spots lately with some nice and skilled new folks, but there are still some slots open, especially for

Druids, Clerics, Wizards and Rogues

We do accept applications from exceptional players from most of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, or Nalelini or talk to an officer.

22.04.2011 Happy Easter from Hopping Fury! by Imrahil

Hello everyone out there!

I want to take this opportunity to wish every visitor of our website a pleasant easter time.

To celebrate this event, we at Raging Fury have brought to you two pictures with lots of fluffy easter bunnies (courtesy of Ismel):

Hopping Fury #1 Hopping Fury #2

The hunter quest is a nice idea and among others of our members we had at least 1 enchanter to bunnify us all. Speaking of that: on April first the devs played a new prankster on us, making random NPCs and players into bunnies. I myself found the idea hilarious, but sadly enough there was some mess-up with the starting of quests and raids, so what was supposed to be a very nice and funny joke became a nuisance for some.

This simple example shows, how by making a small mistake or miscalculation an otherwise solid idea with good intentions can be ruined. This was also the case with this year's Legacy event, the raiding on the Mechanic Guardian in Dragonscale Hills. The idea of attacking this homungous structure with the combined forces of guilds was nice, but the lag produced by letting the event take place in an open zone simply ruined the fun for everyone. Our own guild lizard had this to say about the event:

Xack knows about courage

Combined with the hassle to get a specific drop which could only come from one sort of mobs this left many people with more frustration than joy.

Still in total we had some new content and the mission inside the guardian was actually fun and brought some good loot, so it was a distraction during this otherwise rather solemn time of farming. Also the little egg collection quest for easter was a nice idea, so kudos whoever brought it in - sometimes even small little things can be fun!

NonethelesslLet us all hope that we will get some more content soon, otherwise we will probably have to cut down our raid days even further from the already only 3 raid days which are currently left.

One good thing about the little current content: I don't have to have a bad conscience about giving the guild raid free over the complete easter time, so everything has its advantages I guess.

A final word before I close this news update: We have very few open spots at the moment, as we have full raids every evening, but certain classes still have an opening. At the moment we are mainly looking for wizards and rogues, but we may have some spots for other classes too, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, Nalelini, or Schalimar or talk to an officer.

Enjoy easter time, may you find many eggs :)

Just a small little update before I go to bed: tonight Raging Fury has beaten the newest addition to the 19th expansion, which has been given the ominous name Shadow of Fear.

While this is not a new expansion, but only the next tier to the previously released Rain of Fear, I still would like to congratulate every member of RF for finishing it as first guild on Antonius Bayle and sixth serverwide.

Considering the fact that it consists of only two raids which aren't particularly challenging the bragging rights are rather tiny, but nonetheless it feels always good to be the first again after a break.

Let me congratulate all who finished before us (sometimes the timetable isn't in favor of the Euro guilds) as well as Shadows of Doom, who finished about half an hour after us.

As usual a "Thank You" is in order to those who got the necessary tasks and missions done to get us the raids as well as our raid leaders and members of the strategy team to get the events pinned down fast.

Let me finish with a picture of the victorious force and Luclin herself:

RF + Luclin on her Throne

Let the farming continue until tier 4 comes out!

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