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18.05.2007 Raging Fury is recruting! by Dalrek

After having defeated the first event in Solteris and adding this to our weekly clearing schedule, we are now looking for a handful of dedicated people that want to be part of Raging Fury's quest to conquer the rest of the zone Is your guild struggling with progression or motivation? Drama getting a bit too tense? Have you outgrown them and reached your potential where you are? Or do you simply just need a change of scenery and a fresh breath of air? - Then maybe the solution could be to apply for a spot with us. We offer highly motivated people that all strive to improve their chars and the guild. Who take a pride in accomplishments and dont quit when the going gets tough. Experience the best of what EQ has to offer in terms of raiding and do this in a low-drama and friendly, competitive atmosphere We offer you a chance to get your skills tuned to the max, we will test you to your limits and beyond, but you will also taste the Sweet taste of victory, being among the first in the game to beat new encounters. Year after year We are looking for, in no particular order:

  • 1-2 clerics
  • 1-2 paladins
  • 1-2 necromancers
  • 1 enchanter
  • 1 magician
  • 1 shaman
  • 1 ranger
  • 1 wizard
  • 1 berserker
  • 1 bard

We get application every day, so this list changes all the time. Check our forum for the most current needs

02.05.2008 The dragons lair by Dalrek

I guess it is time for another overdue update to replace the april's fools one. At first we didn't really have much to report since we were just farming MMM for more flags until we could safely enter Crystallos. So originally I was just going to make a small update that everything was going as planned and we now had MMM down to a one day farmstatus and post a little lockout picture

Lockout Timers

But before I got around to that, we had already started our first raids in Crystallos, so I figured I might as well delay the update a little and wait until we had some nice screenshots and hopefully a victory in Crystallos to show instead. So we ended up clearing Fire wing after playing around with Tjudawos for a couple days

Chief Researcher Entharr Tjudawos the Ancient

And not only that. We progressed a little in Earth wing also and I decided I might as well wait until Earth was down also instead of having to make an update soon after again. Ofcourse we ended up taking down Kildrakaun and clearing Earth

Keeper of the Stones Kildrukaun The Ancient Prophet

Next up was Ice wing. Again we rolled over the first event and then needed a bit of tuning and learning on the final dragon in this wing, but he went down eventually

Aar`Kol Zeixshi`Kar

Now we have started working on what seems to be the major hurdle in the zone; Vyskudra in the Air wing. He seems to be quite challenging at the moment. Then again, so does most stuff until you figure it out, so Im hoping it wont be too long until we can present you with a screenshot of his corpse. Crystallos has given us quite alot of nice items, so I will end this update with a selection of some of the loot that we have gotten in the zone so far in addition to the armor core upgrades.

Bauble of Prismatic Flame Veil of Draconic Study Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
Circular Magmatic Disc Blood-Crystal Stone Magma-Studded Earguard
Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn Spaulders of the Ancient Warder Prismatic Rune of the Fallen

Feel free to check back frequently. There should be another update coming soon hopefully

15.05.2008 Vyskudra falls! by Dalrek

After tearing through the other wings, we needed a little time on the Air wing. Not so much rethinking tactics but more a finetuning of our execution.

So I am proud that I did not promise too much when I said we would have an update soon with a Dead Vyskudra. Some will say we just finally got our act together, while others will say it was Misse's promise to talk less if we won that made all the difference. The result remains the same, Vyskudra is down and we are on our way to Kerafyrm!

Vyskudra dead

20.05.2008 Another one bites the dust! by Dalrek

Just a brief update on our progress. After clearing the other wings, we have now entered Kerafyrm's domain and on the way there disposed of this little wyrmling. After that we took a brief visit to see Kerafyrm, but we were already past our normal raidhour so we just stopped by to let her know we are coming. Soon...

Brood Mother Visziaj Kerafyrm the Awakened

In other news, I find it worth mentioning that Darkwind has decided to close its doors and disband. Regardless of any differences there might have been, you can only respect their accomplishments over the years and be saddened when one of the older raidguilds in Everquest calls it a day.

We have in the past received some high quality people from Darkwind and although we have limited room at the moment, I do welcome those that we can offer a spot. I am sure you will be wellreceived and make a good addition to our team and I hope you will find a home with Raging Fury that matches what you had. To those venturing to other guilds and servers, best of luck to you all and hats of to Darkwind past and present.

17.05.2010 Killer Queen - Killed! by Imrahil

We have seen quite a few bugs/ants in this expansion so far, but the latest raid we had to bang our heads against had the biggest of them all: The Cliknar Queen!


This raid was even harder than the previous events, we were overwhelmed by the brutal hits of the Queen and her minions quite often, so indeed this picture showing Cerberus (ya it's a female toon) tanking the Queen is fitting:


Anyway, after dozens of tries and countless deaths we managed to refine our strategy more and more and finally tonight we got the Queen down!

I was so excited that I didn't get a good screenshot of the Queen with low HP and even forgot to make shots of the loot, but here it is: Gleaming Cliknar Pincer, Sacred Engraved Hoop, Queen's Prime Minion Saddle and 2 armor pieces.

To make up for my slackness in good screenshots (I might add one or two of some of my guild mates later), I am adding an adaption of an old song by Queen (sic!:

Cliknar Queen

She keeps aphits and young ants
in her pretty cavern hive
"Let them eat dirt" she says
just like every other night
A built in remedy
for mana and level expi
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline.
AEs and rampage spanks
well versed in raping tanks
Extraordinarily fierce

She's the Cliknar Queen
biggest ant you've ever seen
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your raid (anytime).

Recommended at the price
insatiable appetite
Wanna try?

All you guilds out there who haven't had a look at her yet: Feel free to try her, but be prepared for a long and harsh learning process. This can be said for almost any raid in UF so far (well at least in their first incarnations), this expansion is defintiely giving us the challenge we (and most of the other bleeding edge guilds) have been asking for.

I find it rather pathetic though, when one of the most prominent US guilds had to use exploits for their first wins and continued to use other exploits to give them an advantage on fast loot and flags. The same guild which bragged that 4 groups of her members could outtank, outheal and out-DPS any full raid of every other guild, now had to whine when they were finally punished after years of exploiting, manipulating lockouts and using graphic bugs for their advantage. I won't even comment on their obvious attempt to throw dirt at other high end raid guilds to make themselves seem less shabby, because "everyone did this". I will only say that I myself would feel totally lame if I had resorted to buff-blocking or geometry tanking to beat an event first time.

So, if you want to join a high end raid guild which is still among the top after so many years without sacrificing its dignity on the altar of progression then don't look any further, just check out our recruitment section for details or talk to a recruiter or an officer.

16.05.2011 Raging Fury raids Nottingham by Imrahil

As most of the readers will know, SOE has been the victim of a hacker attack and as a result all its services were shut down while they were working frantically to reach a secure state again. Finally the servers have been brought back online on Saturday, so the normal raiding business can continue as usual and everyone can rejoice.

While we were waiting for that to happen though it meant 2 weeks without EverQuest for all the addicts in Raging Fury and so we had to look for some other targets to raid outside in another game - the REAL WORLD.

So it was the second weekend in May when this fearless force of RF members assembled in the raid zone Nottingham in the United Kingdom expansion under the raid leadership of Illandra to have some fun and phat lewt:

Raging Fury Raid Force

I will add the names this time, as I forgot to put /shownames ON: From left to right: Spiritbane, Snufty, Mrs. Snufty (honorary RF), Illandra, Imrahil, Kryill, Kikthin, Klorch, Pippi.

We encountered a few dangerous boss mobs, for example the Piper of Nottingham:

The Piper of Nottingham

Xack was stuck in another raid zone called Lanzarote, but his spirit was with us nonetheless, protecting us against rats:

Xack's spirit (poked)

So we had to bring Klorch back into EQ by making him tank The Ferocious Beast (TFB):

Klorch tanks TFB

As we were less people than on a normal raid (not everyone could afford to buy the United Kingdom expansion yet) we got ourselves some outside help from the most famous Ranger of all times (sorry Vmas):

The Idol of Vmas Hood

Also our wizard Snufty had to change into a shaman as we had no slower with us:

Snufty the Shaman

Obviously as a trained force we didn’t fall to those enemies or low numbers, but instead got us some nice rewards:

Fewd Lewt!

Altogether the new zone Nottingham looked really nice, the encounters were refreshingly new and everyone had a great time.

Thanks to all who were there and especially Illandra for the great organization – I think we are all looking forward to the next Nottingham raid!

27.05.2018 Do you remember ... by Washu

the time we learned how to have a party with Drusella in Sathir's Tomb? If not, just reread the information Reneca shared just a few weeks ago

After all those funny evenings filled with Dead people. Our Raidleaders reconsidered their strategy about how to show Drusella the way of piling her bones the correct way. While we have been finishing all the preparations with the needed gifts, we send out our best wishes to Drusella.


After some time our scout came back with bad News, he looked as if death had welcomed him. He said that Drusella is willing to have a party with us, BUT it is not allowed for any of the living people to stay more than 25 minutes in her great hallways. So we had been in need to find some hideouts, and what shall i say ... we found them


sadly Drusella was not amused about that and gave her fellowers the order to hunt us down the floors. These huntings haven't been that funny, many unDead, gnawers and other strange members of THE fellowship came out of their tombs, wich made us run around like headless chickens

headless chicken

After this Deadly contact we decided to come back to send Drusella to her final rest and wipe out all those dusty tombs. So yet the other day we passed by and sat down to give our strat-team the time to develop a strategy for putting the plan into action. All sat around in the corner waiting for their specific orders ... and then there it was, the moment our raidleaders gave all their instructions: The Hailers for the propper percentages have been set and the team of shadowknights have been set on special duty by RL.. the warriors decided to create their own way of having fun…
Hailers RL_order

After solving the riddle of whom has stolen the artifact (which had been Daze and this just for revenge) it was easter for the clerics. They were on duty to put all the parts of the shadowknights together again ... which was not that easy after all those explosions. After they finally finished the puzzle all have been proud of their work and here it is the team that put down Drusella to her final rest for the first time:

the winner

Special thanks to our Raidleaders Eladamri and Koldanar, they had to pull the mass of headless chicken together and sent out their volunteers into death

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