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26.06.2007 Howling at the moon no longer! by Dalrek

One day Kikthin was wandering through the woods in his pink hooded cape on his way to visit his grandmother. Once there, to his horror, he found his grandmother gone and a big mean wolf sleeping in her bed instead. "My, what big teeth you have" said Kikthin and the wolf replied "That's so I better can eat you!". Kikthin screamed "No way!", kicked the wolf in a very special place and ran to the guild hall and gathered up all the Raging Fury troops. Soon we were on our way

After testing some stuff as always and wiping several times, we made a nice little battleplan, wiped some more, changed plan etc etc. Tonight we executed it and you see the result below

Astire's Corpse

Congratulations to Illandra and Kikthin on their new helmets

Sanguine Energeiac Plate Helm Pristine Energeiac Plate Helm

And big gratz to Sharifa and Grynoldy as well on respectively new augment and ring

Tainted Moonstone Shard Glowing Ring of the Pristine Moon

And we lived happily ever after. Well, until tomorrow atleast..

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