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08.02.2003 Rallos Zek the Warlord slain by Nineveh

As the attentive reader has hopefully noticed, these pages have been rather idle as of the last couple of weeks. In coherence with many a guild on numerous servers, we have been occupying ourselves with the infamous Rallos Zek encounter, and today we emerged victorious.

The portal to three quarters of the elemental planes have been breached, and on behalf of Klavs, I have the privilege of thanking everyone in Raging-Fury that contributed to the fall of Rallos Zek today. None of this would have been possible without the dedication and persistance you have all shown throughout this encounter. Our next progression lies within the Tower of Solusek Ro, and hopefully there will be news to report from the fiery plane shortly.

Rallos Zek the Warlord Rallos Zek the Warlord

A few updates back we displayed a picture of Ceryx proudly adorning his battle armor. After thorough discussion, we unanimously decided that the following month would be dedicated to decking the under equipped iksar, and the result


As a new addition to the news page, we now present "name the encounter", where through the mere aid of a selection of quotes, the naming of the actual mob in question, should be a possibility

that bird is PISSING me off

Concluding with a few random quotes taken during the last weeks, obvious evidence that even the most mentally stable player experiences delirious moments during the tribulations of the Rallos Zek encounter

people are goats

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