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05.01.2010 Only a dead bug is a good bug by Imrahil

The new expansion is out since the 15th of December officially, so you are waiting desperately for news from Raging Fury?

OK, I don't want to disappoint you, here we go:
Shortly before our annual christmas break (a few people in RF actually DO have a life outside of EQ!) we went to that overgrown puppy in Brell's Rest and sent it home with its tail between its legs. Fippy never was an adversary worth mentioning, but this incarnation at least provided some resistance looks at the bite marks in his armor. Slack as I am, I haven't made any screenshots, so no more information there..

Would you like to know more?

Of course you would! So the next adversary was a bug army and it had some nasty surprises ready:

Bug army

So after we blasted through the millions (so it seemed) of smaller bugs, finally also the big one woke up:

Big one

As we had some of his nastier underlings also plowing through our ranks, I took it upon myself to deal with this mighty adversary! Look at this picture and you see what I am about to do:


But as we finally turned all of our attention to Mr. Big Ugly Bug himself, we exterminated him easily, thus ending the Cliknar Invasion

Protauris Protauris Sithirhin

So, 2 down, 1 to go in T6, stay tuned for the next news!

PS: We are still looking for a few players to fill the gaps, but hurry, they won't stay open forever.

Clerics, Berserkers and Wizards

are the classes we are mainly looking for, but we have single spots open for some other classes as well, so check our recruitment section for details.

Not among the classes we have currently open? Don't despair yet! We do accept applications of exceptional players from many of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, Nalelini or Zorland or talk to an officer if you would like to know more ;)

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