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16.06.2010 Raging Fury and the Temple of Brell by Imrahil

Feel the excitement, watch the adventure in the newest episode of the Raging Fury epical saga:

Raging Fury and the Temple of Brells - Part I: The Trial of Deconstruction"

Raging Fury and the Temple of Brell

See your favorite characters in a spectacular feature, which has everything the EverQuest fan can only dream of!

Action: See RF fight giant robots and ants!

Giant Robot

Suspense: Feel the thrill while officers ask themselves: "how many people will die because they can't react fast enough to emotes?"

Drama: Witness Meemers in his Oscar-nominated role as "Mad Raidleader" crying and pulling out his hair while trying to explain to our warrior team, who is responsible for what mob

Mysterious story-twists: Try to follow Kikthin on his path to discover the riddles of the temple - but don't follow too closely or you might end up in the wrong place:


watching a show about dragqueens and how to walk on high hee...

Mass-scenes: Watch the biggest exodus since the "10 commandments", when the melees frantically try to scramble away from a gigantic Robocopter!


Triumph: In an anti-climactic display of pure simplicity see your heroes prevail against all odds and comment on its proportion wisely:

i must admit though... this is the biggest anti climax since...

Watch treasures beyond any imagination, some of them never seen before around the world:


Iridium Lightguard Breastplate Fragile Shard of Focus Runed Band of Determination

Get YOUR ticket now and join the dozens of enthusiasts around the world in "Raging Fury and the Temple of Brells - Part I: The Trial of Deconstruction" today!

Ask for our special tickets for Shamans, Clerics, Rogues and Wizards at our box-office or contact one of our lovely sales representatives Illandra or Nalelini. There are seats in almost every class left, but hurry up or the show will be sold out!

Be ready for the stunning second part of the "Temple of Brells"-double feature: "The Trial of Creation" which is about to be released this summer - and stay tuned for other adventures of your favorite heroes: Raging Fury!

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to their specific owners.

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