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25.08.2010 Brell's Temple - The Trial of Creation won! by Imrahil

OK this will only be a short update, because with the current speed in which Raging Fury is winning events I simply cannot spend hours composing the artful masterpieces you have come to love as a regular reader of our news!

So, I will make this short: after weeks of fine-tuning and learning we have finally been able to beat the second trial in Brell's Temple - The Trial of Creation! Our corpse-to-be had his own description of this raid:

i love this event, its like putting your dick between 2 larg...

Well, the pain at least brought us also some new toys:

Katar of Bound Elements Veil of Reflective Crystal

That's it for now, only 1 event left to beat for the access to converteum, stay tuned, it won't be long till next update!

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