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22.10.2004 Keldovan the Harrier slain by Nineveh

Tedious only begins to describe the process of obtaining individual access to Anguish for most of our members. Despite this disconsolate factor, we managed to produce a raidforce consisting of 40 Raging Fury members, and ventured into the Sea of Anguish for the first time friday evening. Not really knowing what to expect from the final tier in the Omens of War expansion, our goal was merely exploring the initial part of the zone, though after encountering our first named nemesis, we deemed this mob quite possible to best with our numbers, the result, a serverfirst slaying of Keldovan the Harrier.

Keldovan the Harrier Keldovan the Harrier

The air around you vanishes as Keldovan gasps for his last b...

Stud of Chilling Precision Sorrowmourn Stone Blood-Polished Hammer

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