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03.01.2005 Warden Hanvar slain! by Nineveh

Twice before in the history of Everquest has the guild stood against an encounter as disconsolate as Warden Hanvar within the Citadel of Anguish, its predecessors being the Rathe Council amid the height of the Planes of Power, followed by a more familiar Zun'Muram Tkarish Zyk. All of the endeavours mentioned above had the distinct ability to totally halt progression for quite a significant amount of time, albeit one factor set Warden Hanvar apart, namely the recent exodus from the game caused by the allure of newer "improved" games.

Like many a guild serverwide we lost a fair amount of our regular playing base, rendering the Warden encounter not doable, considering a peak attendance of mid thirties. Recruiting was obviously intensified, primarily consisting of players applying from outside the boarders of Antonius Bayle, and merely a few weeks after, our numbers stabilized anew.

Having worked on this encounter for close to two months, most of us will likely suffer more than a fair share of grey hairs now knowing that our initial tactics were actually Dead on, though limited numbers mixed with poor execution deemed our attempts unworthy of success.

As the pictures will hopefully indicate ( sorry Finnemann! ) I was not present during the encounter, though Finnemann managed to secure the following gem from Faiar:

Warden Hanvar Warden Hanvar slain!

can i loot?

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