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06.02.2005 Tunat'Muram Cuu Vuaux slain by Nineveh

In what can only be described as a way overdue kill, Tunat'Muram was defeated tonight, marking the completion of the Gates of Discord expansion, aproximately one year after its official release. Raging Fury practically spent weeks within this zone during the prime of a now obsolete expansion, but progression was thoroughly halted by Pixtt Kretv Kraxt, a fate shared by many a guild serverwide. Rumours of our upcoming victory actually caused a few dormant members of the guild to make an appearance, making tonights raid even more enjoyable.

Tunat'Muram Cuu Vuaux slain Tunat'Muram Cuu Vuaux slain

Truth be told, this encounter was far from as difficult as one might expect, though it definitely followed the trend of the other encounters found within the zone, offering a much needed respite from the weekly Anguish routine.

Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain Cracked Shard of Power Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
Jagged Glowing Prism Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves

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