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10.11.2005 The Wailing sisters banished! by Nineveh

Two thirds of the Wailing Sisters found themselves banished from the Demi-Plane of Blood tonight as intrigues and conspiracy on a level that even surpasses the average female cleric one(!) was revealed amid the bridesmaids of Tserrina. There is no description that properly describes this event, but it was definitely different from any encounter we have experienced as of yet, interesting enough to keep 50 players online past midnight, something that rarely occurs in Raging Fury. Redfang is all that locks the Demi-Plane to its current phase in time and hopefully his imminent demise will shift the reality of the projected plane enough to reveal the second tier shortly.

Sisters Sisters down

When undergoing the learning process of new encounters, it is always interesting to see what potential aid you might get from your fellow guildmembers, in this case however, they were not exactly helpful.

There is 3 of them! heard thzey were related. there sisters....

Althea's Chinching Cord Soulseeker, Death's Sigh Carmine Loop of Loathing

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