19.06.2004 Sandgarden completed by Nineveh

The second trial of Txevu is commonly known as the Sandgarden, this highly innovative name originated due to the fact that the room housing this particular event is covered with, you guessed correctly, sand. Based on the lore triggering this event, I personally feel something reminiscent of the gladitor aspect wouldbe more suiting, nevertheless, Sandgarden it is, and without further ado, this ordeal was completed tonight.

Having our champion successfully complete his battle against the infamous Runt, the two familiar faces displayed in the first picture graced us with their lithe presence in the arena. Numerous hours were spent amid not less than two servercraches, though each attempt yielded important information concerning the key to winning this encounter.

Sandgarden completed Sandgarden completed

Merely two days have passed since our last update, thus people have not been given a proper chance to display their unmatched humour. Until such a time arrives, I give you, Jander Iwsforfood in addition the loot of Ixt Hsek Syat.


Forlorn Mantle of Shadows