26.04.2005 Forums and rfp database deleted by Nineveh

As many of you might have noticed, our message board no longer exists. Our point system database along with our message boards were both hosted at a former guildmembers work location. While we still remain uncertain as to why this tantrum was thrown, rest assured that we will have a new message board + point system up and running shortly. Thankfully, alot of our newer recruits have IT backgrounds, and as such, I am actually glad we will finally get this over and done with, this has been a "threat" hanging over those of us that still play for far too long. Personally I never expected the people involved to go this far, but times of adversity display the true color of people I guess. Either way, this newspage will be the primary source of information for the next week or two. And lastly, for the worried members, I managed to copy the current point standings prior to the database dissipating, so worry not.