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19.12.2002 For the hive! by Nineveh

Rydda'Dar was the barrier that withheld Raging Fury from entering the lower depths of the Halls of Honor, home of Mithaniel Marr. Upon learning that this dragon was up we soon found ourselves in the company of Mortalis, also seeking to flag their last members for an upcoming encounter with the deity.

Thus in collaboration, the two guilds came to the decision that instead of racing for this particular encounter, it would be of mutual interest to merely do what we were both there for, namely flagging every guildmember there. Boneheads of Butcherblock also had their local representative present, and faced against such a trio, Rydda'Dar was heard uttering the exact same words as Celsius

zerg ...

Rydda'Dar Rydda'Dar

In addition to spending most of our time within the new planes, we have also visited Vex Thal on some occations, and obviously the ugly stick has struck again. I had to catch Faiar offguard in order to get a screenshot of his latest addition, whilst Spellquestor proudly wears his headpiece

Fashion Fashion

24.12.2002 Merry Christmas! by Nineveh

On behalf of Raging Fury, I have the pleasure and privilege of wishing the guilds and players of Antonius Bayle a merry christmas and thank them for the year that is about to end. Hopefully those of us that got along this year, will continue to do so in the next.

I searched in vain for a suitable EQ related christmas photo, so until we actually kill something:


01.12.2005 Devlin Rochester slain! by Nineveh

Thousands of years ago, Devlin Rochester set forth to slay the greatest abomination the world had ever seen, namely May.. the master of Dreadspire Keep. His accidental killing of a young woman thought to be a lycanthrope gnawed at him from within, and ridden by guilt he was overwhelmed by the ominous power that resided in the Demi-Plane of Blood, ending up serving the very presence he had come to vanquish.

Despite dazzling us with a vaste array of weapons, the remnants of what was once Devlin was found lacking tonight as his tormented captivity came to an end.

Devlin Rochester Devlin Rochester
Greaves of the Vampire Hunter Vule's Frozen Heart Invocation of the Last Dawn

Anthas decided to purchase everything of value, but was graceful enough to thank the guild for aiding him. I was not playing from my regular computer at the time of Devlin's death, thus one could almost believe that it was Zorrbald who had provided the pictorial material, hence the old world models.

thanks for coming to my raid all P

06.12.2005 Roley DeFarge slain! by Nineveh

Roley DeFarge was once known as the greatest leader the paladin order of Marr had ever seen, though despite being the recipient of acclaim and flattery, Roley sought to further his name beyond what any mortal could possibly achieve. When failing to return from Dreadspire Keep, a hunting party including his own wife Adrianna found that he had been enslaved by the master residing within, sharing fates with both Tris Wallow and Devlin Rochester. Roley displayed his complete devotion to the unDead by slaying his own wife to please his new master.

Roley DeFarge Roley DeFarge

While Sanguimanus the Redfang offered the greatest challenge of the first tier, Roley DeFarge is without a quiver of doubt the toughest encounter in the second, and should he remain in his present incarnation not many will overcome this ordeal any time soon. Only the performer stands between Raging Fury and the unwreathing of the master, and hopefully we will be able to introduce you all to his eluding presence shortly.

Roley Woots

Cuirass of the Fallen Saint Narcissist's Ballroom Mask Band of Broken Vows

A resonant and acoustic chime was heard through the keep of Dreadspire tonight as the unnamed bard finally witnessed a performance that matched his expectations, and post his ballads being recited properly, the forgotten artist could leave the Demi-Plane at peace.

Performer Performer Group pic

This event requires an immense amount of preparation and coordination, and we have been throwing ourselves relentlessly at it for about a week now, though sadly we still have to restart the expedition each time we wish to attempt the event anew. The latter portion of the encounter is more intense than anything we have ever experienced in the game before, and I would not be surprised if that part is tuned down significantly. Despite the late hour we decided to visit the master who beckoned us for some company, but as of yet we can only provide you with one picture. Rest assured more will follow tomorrow though.

The Master of Dreadspire Mayong Mistmoore

Performer Woots

Sunstone Wand

03.12.2006 Raging Fury finishes Ashengate! by Dalrek

After carefull planning, analyzing in our tactics forum and even drawing small pictures of every phase to explain how we wanted to do it, the last event in Ashengate is defeated. Lethars final stand proved to be no match for a focused and wellprepared Raging Fury raid

In some ways this event will probably be the real challenge of TSS, atleast in its current state. I would have loved to defeat this encounter earlier, but it is a bit hard to defend spending all your time on a single fight, when you have a whole other zone waiting for you. So this is the major difference from encounters like Overlord Mata Muram and Mayong Mistmoore. Those were the final fights in their expansions and could have our undivided attention.

We never gave up getting it done though and with the right plan having been ready on the board for a while, all we needed was a good raidforce in a killing mood. Seems sunday was the day. After two initial runs ending with repectively 42% and 17%, we were certain we had it under control. As usual when we get our first endboss kills, it started getting late and people had to start thinking about work the next day. Thankfully we had 50 people willing to give it one last shot, despite the fact that most of us have to get up early

We engage...and 20 minutes later we still have 47 people Alive in the zone and a Dead Lethar at our feet. It was one of those fights where the adrenaline is pumping as you get closer and closer to winning and I must admit I started worrying around 15%. But I can proudly say that this was so well executed that it made me wonder if it really was the same fight and why we hadnt just done it weeks ago. Well done furies on getting us yet another serverfirst and ofcourse keeping us in the top 5 serverwide and last but not least getting this kill done before any patch could possibly change the fight and remove the chance to defeat the version that few had done before us.

If you have worked on this event, you will understand why I was a bit too busy to take some nice pictures this time. I promise I will do better when we go back and kill him again, cause I have no doubt he will be on the normal clearing schedule now

Lethar's corpse

We did not hit the jackpot on breastplate molds, but I think this is acceptable though


With Ashengate finished, we can now focus 100% on Frostcrypt and have started doing so even more than before. If you want the chance of being a part of Raging Fury as we roll through Frostcrypt and Ashengate, we are still open for applications from exceptional players

Happy holidays everyone!

The year is coming to an end and with that comes the time to look back and reflect on the year that has passed. Another eventful and exciting year for Raging Fury. Seems that time just flies when you are having fun. I had to cheat a bit and use our some of our pointsystem logs to even remember where we were one year ago.

Seems that 1 year ago, we were farming stuff like Citadel of Anguish, Vishimtar and Demiplane of Blood heavily. On january 3rd we killed Mayong Mistmoore for the first time. Sweet memories indeed! Shortly after came the Prophecy of Ro expansion with new challenges to overcome. In june we finished Prophecy of Ro and got ourself a couple months of relaxation and farming before next expansion beta started in august and eventually went live at the end of september.

Now we are nearing the completion of The Serpents Spine expansion, having cleared all mobs in Ashengate and with all the mobs in first Frostcrypt instance defeated right before our xmas break. I am certain when we return to raiding in january, we will plow through the last Frostcrypt mobs and have Shadeking Beltron lying Dead at our feet before long. Just in time it seems, as the next expansion beta is closing in on us already. Time does indeed fly...

Enough of this old dwarf's ramblings. From all of Raging Fury, I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy new year! And to our members in Raging Fury...awesome work this past year. Even when things get tough, you never give up. Enjoy your well deserved quality time with your loved ones. See you all in 2007 to kick even more ass!

We wish you all a merry xmas and a happy new year!

Click to enlarge pic and enjoy our members in their christmas outfits!

06.12.2007 Movietime again! by Dalrek

It it a little overdue, but since the server was down yesterday, I decided to spend the time to finally finish our Raging Fury Solteris movie.

Our movie link is, as always: Raging Fury Movies

Hope you enjoy this little piece and we will be back with more news shortly

23.12.2008 Merry Frostfell to everyone! by Imrahil

Raging Fury wishes everyone a Merry Frostfell!


Enjoy the time with family and friends, be it in EverQuest, another MMORPG or even gasp that strange game called "real life". If you want to spend some time in EQ during the holidays, you might want to have a look at Zatozia's Frostfell Overview to see what specials await you in the world of Norrath.

If you are a Rogue, Berzerker, Wizard or Cleric and think RF might be the right guild for you, then be sure to visit our recruitment section for details or talk to Illandra. Even if you are not among the needed classes we still offer the chance to become a member of the team to exceptional players from other classes, so don't be shy to ask :)

05.12.2009 Underfoot here we come! by Imrahil

Only a few more days and then the 16th expansion for EverQuest named Underfoot will be released. Quite frankly I can tell you that is is really about time, because 11 months of continuous farming the same content drain the motivation of even the most hardcore EQ addicts (and we have quite a few of those here in Raging Fury). But the departure of some means also an opportunity for others: if you have always wanted to be among the first serverwide to beat an expansion, now is the time to join RF!

We have been among the top 5 for nine expansions in a row and we most certainly want to continue that streak, so we are trying to fill our ranks for the tasks ahead.

Clerics, Berserkers and Wizards

are the classes we are mainly looking for, but we have a few limited spots open for other classes as well, so check our recruitment section for details. Not among the classes we have currently open? Don't despair yet! We do accept applications of exceptional players from many of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, Nalelini or Abadonn or talk to an officer officer if you want to know more.

Join Raging Fury now and leave your footprint on Underfoot!

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