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08.02.2003 Rallos Zek the Warlord slain by Nineveh

As the attentive reader has hopefully noticed, these pages have been rather idle as of the last couple of weeks. In coherence with many a guild on numerous servers, we have been occupying ourselves with the infamous Rallos Zek encounter, and today we emerged victorious.

The portal to three quarters of the elemental planes have been breached, and on behalf of Klavs, I have the privilege of thanking everyone in Raging-Fury that contributed to the fall of Rallos Zek today. None of this would have been possible without the dedication and persistance you have all shown throughout this encounter. Our next progression lies within the Tower of Solusek Ro, and hopefully there will be news to report from the fiery plane shortly.

Rallos Zek the Warlord Rallos Zek the Warlord

A few updates back we displayed a picture of Ceryx proudly adorning his battle armor. After thorough discussion, we unanimously decided that the following month would be dedicated to decking the under equipped iksar, and the result


As a new addition to the news page, we now present "name the encounter", where through the mere aid of a selection of quotes, the naming of the actual mob in question, should be a possibility

that bird is PISSING me off

Concluding with a few random quotes taken during the last weeks, obvious evidence that even the most mentally stable player experiences delirious moments during the tribulations of the Rallos Zek encounter

people are goats

22.02.2003 Solusek Ro slain by Nineveh

The Burning Prince stood solely between Raging-Fury and access to the fabled land of Doomfire. Having spent the last week in preparation through defeating every wizards nightmare, Xuzl, in addition to the remaining four trials within the flaming towers, an ample force deftly conquered Solusek Ro, despite several protests from Faiar proclaiming that the slaying of his deity would be all but impossible.

Solusek Ro Solusek Ro

Fully flagged for earth, wind, water and fire, named mobs from within every plane were attempted and we obviously have quite a bit of learning to do when it comes to avoiding the named mobs dropping spectral parchments and diamonds in comparison to mobs similar in difficulty adoring our raidforce with elemental molds. Hopefully there will be pleasant news to report from the planes shortly.

06.02.2004 Lo and behold! An update by Nineveh

For aproximately five months now, this page has been completely static, primarily due to the fact that the recent expansion was possibly one of the worst if not the worst to this date, though that is my personal opinion, merely to underline.

Raiding activity has been somewhat feeble as of late, the once challenging plane of time clearing has become all but routine, and currently occupies from four to five hours once a week.

In lieu of the upcoming Gates of Discord expansion however, promising new content in addition to way overdue alternate advancement abiLities seem to have awakened the interest for many once again, thus attendance is on the rise, and hopefully there will be new victories to report here in the coming weeks, as I personally see little if no point to posting a weekly Quarm story here.

Last but not least, what update would be complete sans some images and a few random quotes. The first picture displays our strategy should Klavs occasionally die during a plane of time clearing, and the second shows the everlasting interest in the trailblazing lore.

Plane of Time Plane of Time

and now.. the famous mentin words! RAMPAGE!

Argh now I am a level 64 sk with 254 AA :p

complete n00b cleric lfg

Wrong kit

Clegg just die randomly instant

interested if rott =\\ Grats PC!! (sucker!!)

Cler channel just found out.. Azri is not reinstal

make something up.. like klavs and timmok getting

Hush ya lil bish

im going to start with eating your liver with a wo

and how great i am! horray for me!

i can count

its just hard with your back turned running and sc

19.02.2004 Gathering at Jubii by Nineveh

A gathering was held anew in Copenhagen two weekends ago, with high attendance from both active and retired members, in what has been a trademark of our guild, namely the social real life gatherings.

Through Taxa, our event coordinator, Jubii was willing to sponsor not only the location, but also the beverages, yes you read that correctly, free beer, a fact which even lured Yrgass out of his dormant existence in Sweden. Without disclosing too many details, Yrgass most definitely left his mark with those reponsible for cleaning post of the jovial occurrences Saturday evening.

On a sad note however, Taxa's reign of social events will be receding as real life priorities have taken precedence. Faiar will be attempting to fill the void, and I am certain many look forward with interest to what oddities might occur in the near future.

Having merely attended one of Taxa's infamous events personally, it is still my privilege to thank him on behalf of the guild for all the effort he has put into planning and executing these gatherings.

As far as GoD is concerned, we have little of interest to report as of yet. Apart from flagging most of our guild for Kod'Taz, the rest of the Taelosian hemisphere is still under thorough investigation

Pictures from the gathering can be viewed by clicking here. (Dead link)

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