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11.02.2007 Recruiting for TBS is open! by Dalrek

With The Buried Sea expansion fast approaching, Raging Fury is looking to reinforce our current raidforce with some new people. It is no secret that TSS was tough on several people, but like always they stuck with us to see TSS defeated. Unfortunately after finishing the expansion and being in farm mode for a month, people loose the thrill of progressing and some decided it is time to move on to reallife adventures. A big thank you to those people who helped bring us to the top of the game year after year. I am sure you will be successfull in whatever you choose to do in RL

Fortunately for YOU, this means we have a few openings for people eager to experience the best of what raiding can be like in EQ. We are looking for players that are happy with their class, who still has a desire to play EQ and not any other newly released games. We are looking for highly motivated players who are willing to work on Solteris flagging and dont mind showing up night after night for wipes while we learn the new challenges that lie ahead of us and who are willing to stay when the boredom of farming hits us after we complete TBS. You have to be a teamplayer and be able to keep a positive attitude even when things dont go our way.

If you think you match this description, then please contact our recruiter Illandra or any of the officers, even this grumpy dorf in game, via the board or e-mail. All classes welcome, though some will have higher requirements than others based on current needs. High priority will be given to a couple of clerics, paladin, shadowknight, ranger and necro at this point, but if you can convince us that we need you, then please do so

11.01.2007 Raging fury finishes TSS! by Dalrek

Back from being MIA, so I better make the update I promised everyone. I can only agree with what Damide said on the Tide page. Not even the best movie director could have staged a better finish than we saw on finishing TSS on Antonius Bayle. It was really a close race.

Raging Fury chose a different path when it came to priorities in regards to Ashengate vs Frostcrypt. It is always a tough decision. How long can you keep working on one specific mob when there is a whole other branch to explore and conquer? With the risk of falling behind, we chose to stay in Ashengate and finish Lethar 2 before starting a new progression path. Luckily it paid off. With hard work from the RF team, we beat Lethar in early December and started working on Frostcrypt access. We entered Frostcrypt just before our x-mas break and ended up clearing the first instance in a few days, but getting stuck on not receiving the flag we were supposed to on Lorekeeper Grenwald

After our holiday break, we came out with all guns blazing. People eager to raid, with renewed energy after being pushed hard to finish FC flagging. Finally we could do what we do best instead of doing weird quests. It was time to kill some big bad guys. We redid the first FC instance on a Tuesday, got the first 4 events in FC2 down on Wednesday and Thursday and faced Beltron the Shadeking on the Friday. Impressive job from all our members. So we start from scratch on Shadeking and 2 first attempts get him to 70% and then 60%. Time runs out and we go back to the drawing board and rethink the tactics needed for the fight. After clearing re-popped events for a few days, we get back to Shadeking...only to have the event crash the zone and having to end the night because clearing back will take too long. This happens a couple times and we end up having to do re-popped events again. Yay! In the meanwhile, Tide kills Shadeking and although I would have loved to be first on him, I will be the first one to congratulate Tide on the accomplishment and my gratz tell was sent not because it was the right thing to do, but because we know what it takes to do it. Every guild that kill end zone bosses among the first 5 or 10 guilds have busted their asses off to reach that point and deserve recognition

Shade King Alive

We think we found out why the instance has been crashing on us and we get to try out our new tactics. Each try getting him lower and lower. We are aware that Tide is working on Lethar at the same time and while I prefer to focus on our own performance and not on other guilds, I would be lying if I said its not a motivation to me to have a goal and some friendly competition in reaching that goal, in this case being the first guild on AB to finish The Serpents Spine expansion. We go again, getting him below 40%, losing people along the way...getting him to 30% and things start getting scary....20% and things are out of control. With Beltron at 3% and desperately trying to squeeze out the last DPS we need, we realize we need one more minor adjustment and we have to take the wipe. But instead of pointing fingers and blaming each other, we can see how close we are and everyone gets that extra boost they need to go again even though its starting to get late and we know it will probably be the last attempt of the night. We can't let him stay up!

Shade King Dead

Last try.....We get Beltron the Shadeking down. And not only did we get him down, we destroyed him! You get the feeling that everything is going smooth and when you see the Main Tank still standing proud with Beltron at 20% and below, while not seeing people spamming raid say with names of those who died, you know its a done deal. The best feeling there is and a nice adrenaline rush. With this last kill done, I'm proud to say that Raging Fury is one of the still very few guilds that have finished The Serpents Spine expansion completely. Thanks to the competition for keeping us on our toes and pushing us to continuously improve and give our best. And big gratz on Lethar guys.

Last I am proud to say that with the help of DeIllusional our Raging Fury Item Database is now up to date and includes TSS loots as well. Enjoy!

Happy holidays everyone!

The year is coming to an end and with that comes the time to look back and reflect on the year that has passed. Another eventful and exciting year for Raging Fury. Seems that time just flies when you are having fun. I had to cheat a bit and use our some of our pointsystem logs to even remember where we were one year ago.

Seems that 1 year ago, we were farming stuff like Citadel of Anguish, Vishimtar and Demiplane of Blood heavily. On january 3rd we killed Mayong Mistmoore for the first time. Sweet memories indeed! Shortly after came the Prophecy of Ro expansion with new challenges to overcome. In june we finished Prophecy of Ro and got ourself a couple months of relaxation and farming before next expansion beta started in august and eventually went live at the end of september.

Now we are nearing the completion of The Serpents Spine expansion, having cleared all mobs in Ashengate and with all the mobs in first Frostcrypt instance defeated right before our xmas break. I am certain when we return to raiding in january, we will plow through the last Frostcrypt mobs and have Shadeking Beltron lying Dead at our feet before long. Just in time it seems, as the next expansion beta is closing in on us already. Time does indeed fly...

Enough of this old dwarf's ramblings. From all of Raging Fury, I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy new year! And to our members in Raging Fury...awesome work this past year. Even when things get tough, you never give up. Enjoy your well deserved quality time with your loved ones. See you all in 2007 to kick even more ass!

We wish you all a merry xmas and a happy new year!

Click to enlarge pic and enjoy our members in their christmas outfits!

03.12.2006 Raging Fury finishes Ashengate! by Dalrek

After carefull planning, analyzing in our tactics forum and even drawing small pictures of every phase to explain how we wanted to do it, the last event in Ashengate is defeated. Lethars final stand proved to be no match for a focused and wellprepared Raging Fury raid

In some ways this event will probably be the real challenge of TSS, atleast in its current state. I would have loved to defeat this encounter earlier, but it is a bit hard to defend spending all your time on a single fight, when you have a whole other zone waiting for you. So this is the major difference from encounters like Overlord Mata Muram and Mayong Mistmoore. Those were the final fights in their expansions and could have our undivided attention.

We never gave up getting it done though and with the right plan having been ready on the board for a while, all we needed was a good raidforce in a killing mood. Seems sunday was the day. After two initial runs ending with repectively 42% and 17%, we were certain we had it under control. As usual when we get our first endboss kills, it started getting late and people had to start thinking about work the next day. Thankfully we had 50 people willing to give it one last shot, despite the fact that most of us have to get up early

We engage...and 20 minutes later we still have 47 people Alive in the zone and a Dead Lethar at our feet. It was one of those fights where the adrenaline is pumping as you get closer and closer to winning and I must admit I started worrying around 15%. But I can proudly say that this was so well executed that it made me wonder if it really was the same fight and why we hadnt just done it weeks ago. Well done furies on getting us yet another serverfirst and ofcourse keeping us in the top 5 serverwide and last but not least getting this kill done before any patch could possibly change the fight and remove the chance to defeat the version that few had done before us.

If you have worked on this event, you will understand why I was a bit too busy to take some nice pictures this time. I promise I will do better when we go back and kill him again, cause I have no doubt he will be on the normal clearing schedule now

Lethar's corpse

We did not hit the jackpot on breastplate molds, but I think this is acceptable though


With Ashengate finished, we can now focus 100% on Frostcrypt and have started doing so even more than before. If you want the chance of being a part of Raging Fury as we roll through Frostcrypt and Ashengate, we are still open for applications from exceptional players

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