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Here I was today, trying to find a movie featuring the animal which was the main ingredient of the raid we had beaten last night (called "Masked invaders"). So I entered "movie, badger" into the search engine most beloved by the chinese government and see what I found:


That video summarizes pretty well what happens during the hours of boredom and annoyance one has to get through to win this event. The next quote is also a fitting summary:

i worked out why theres nearly no trash in UF raids, they pu...

Although the idea for a raid after a stupid song might sound funny, believe me it is not and my guild mates shared the feeling:

tomorrow I am going to frontier mountains to get some reveng...

So the reason why we stayed on it until almost half past midnight to finish it off was only so that we wouldn't have to come back the next day. After somewhere around 3 hours (which felt like 30) we finally were at the big boss badger:

Burynai Destroyer

Normally after beating an event for the first time (OK, admittedly we had beaten it a week ago when it was in a totally gimped state, but that doesn't count) people cheer and are exhilirated - on the badgers though it was only a sigh of relief going through the GU that it was finally over. Did I mention I didn't like the raid? Guess so...Anyway, at least we got some loot for all the tedium:

Obsidian Eye Pendant Symbol of the Master

4 events down, but a few more to come and although I might seem a bit annoyed with the last raid, all in all I do enjoy the current expansion from a purely raider's point of view - events are hard and challenging and need people with good attention and focus, with the skill to play their class and the will to work in a team to achieve something.

You think you do fit into that description? Good!You want to become a part of Raging Fury? Even better!You are among the following classes?

Rogues, Berserkers and Wizards

Pure awesomeness, as those are the classes we are mainly looking for, but we have a few limited spots open for other classes as well (especially another Beastlord or a Necro), so check our recruitment section for details.

Not among the classes we have currently open? No need to wimper "Badgers badgers badgers"! We do accept applications from exceptional players from most of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, Nalelini or Zorland or talk to an officer.

27.02.2008 Meldraths Mansion cleared! by Dalrek

Approximately a month after our first defeat of Breakneck in MMM, we finally defeated all the obstacles laid before us and have finished the zone in yet another in a long list of serverfirst victories.

As one of the guilds who entered MMM early and started working hard on progression, we have seen our share of bugs. We have killed 2 different Breaknecks, 3 different Krond (including the "unkillable regen" version) and 3 different prototypes. We have had events where you had to drop instance and clear trash again on every wipe cause events wouldnt reset properly and how can you forget the elevator of doom with its huuge trains?

One of the strengths of Raging Fury has always been to never give up. Was it 50+ attempts on Overlord Mata Muram and over 100 failures on Sisters in Solteris? Meldraths Majestic Mansion has surely tested our patience. Never the less, we came out on top, doing what only 3 guilds serverwide has done before us and that makes this victory even more Sweet.

We are lucky that our continued success seem to draw high quality apps to Raging Fury to incorporate into our team to fill the roles after those that venture on to reallife endeavors and on the other hand less than a handful left us to join other competing guilds over the last 2 years that I can remember, despite ongoing tells from other recruiters (some more humorous than others). All in all this means that over the years we have had a strong foundation of experienced raiders at our disposal. Hats off to them all and they deserve a place on this frontpage for sure.

Below you can see our raidforce getting ready for the final battle with Meldrath

Preparing for battle

And ofcourse the outcome was a nice picnic in what used to be Meldrath's room!

The winning team

We still have a very uneven distribution on core drops, so was almost funny to see that the BP core was one of our rarest and we now have a happy wizard with a new robe. MMM is still a source of tons of weapons for us and its not uncommon at all to get 5 weapons in an evening. Meldrath himself proved to be no different and dropped a new weapon for us, along with a nice ring.

Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop

So whats next for Raging Fury? I guess 2 months of key farming and gearing up before we enter Crystallos and kick some behind in there. As usual, if you are interested in joining us, send a tell to our guild recruiter Illandra. I know we might have room for an exceptional shaman and enchanter. We are most likely talking solteris gear and high RA, but Illandra will know for sure.

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