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13.11.2002 Lord Inquisitor Seru slain by Nineveh

Late Monday night the inner sanctum of Seru was desecrated as the Lord Insquisitor himself stood against a vast force of adventurers with one sole purpose, completing their last lunar challenge.

With the slaying of Lord Seru, each nemesis from the depths of Ssra to the darkest corner of Vex thal has been defeated, and thus we bid the shadows of Luclin adieu.

Lord Inquisitor Seru slain Guild

Loot consisted of Yttrium Studded Leather Boots, Heavy Yttrium Chestplate and Bow of Storms.

Yttrium Studded Leather Boots Heavy Yttrium Chestplate Bow of Storms

09.11.2002 Aerin'Dar Slain by Nineveh

See you all in Halls of Honor


Loot consisted of Wrath of Mithanial and Shoulderpads of the Visionary.

Wrath of Mithanial Shoulderpads of the Visionary

02.11.2002 Vex Thal Cleared by Nineveh

Raging Fury ventured into the depths of Vex Thal this weekend, for the first time encountering the challenges of the second floor of Luclin's goldmine.

Vex Thal is known to many as one of the better incomes for high end equipment, though you also risc exposing your guild to another feared everquest syndrom, namely the fashion one.

Recently Antonius Bayle managed to rid itself of being known as the server with the most players totally lacking a sense in regards to clothing, as Mentin was finally convinced to put on a robe after a unanimous guild decision.

Though Frolaak seemed determined to reinstate this, atleast that is the only possible explanation one could reach after seeing the following picture

Mentin Frolaak

Two days of continous pulling later, we were faced with Aten Ha Ra herself, and in collaboration with the rest of our weekend, things went as they were supposed to.

Craon, Zwickel, Frezzer and Azmodai all adorned themselves with her loot, atleast the three later mentioned ones as the rumour has it Craon is currently occupying himself working on a certain faction.

The goals we set ourselves as a guild in Luclin were all met with this clearing, and focus has now been shifted towards the Planes of Power, thus check back for upcoming planar battles.

Vextal cleared

Emperor Emperor Emperor

Im proud to announce that today Emperor of Ssra fell to a force purely consisting Raging Fury, we would have gotten him yesterday, but some lame bug got half of our enchanters summoned to zone in.

Emperor Emperor
Emperor Emperor

Loot consisted of :

2 x Acrylia Handled Broadsword
PRI SEC Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 19 DMG: 16 STR: +13 DEX: +13 STA: +20 HP: +100 SVF: +15 SVC: +15 SVM: +15 Eff: Serpent's Bite WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Race: ALL

Koadic's Robe of Heightened Focus
CHEST AC: 40 STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +25 CHA: +25 WIS: +15 INT: +25 AGI: +15 HP: +120 MANA: +120 SVF: +18 SVD: +18 SVC: +18 SVM: +18 SVP: +18 Eff: Koadic's Heightened Focus WT: 0.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL

The two swords went to Storaz and Meaty and the robe went to our local RFP whore Bokain.

After I logged they proceeded to go play with Shei Venitras another mob we never really bothered with, I have no idea what the hell they were doing, but maybe some of you guys will have a clue judging from the pictures...

Shei Venitras Shei Venitras

Loot consisted of :

Crys`Va Mask
FACE AC: 10 DEX: +20 STA: +25 AGI: +15 HP: +90 MANA: +90 SVF: +8 SVD: +8 SVC: +8 SVM: +8 SVP: +8 Eff: Truesight WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST Race: ALL

2 x Flowing Gossamer Cloak
BACK AC: 15 STR: +8 STA: +6 INT: +8 AGI: +10 HP: +80 MANA: +100 SVF: +10 SVD: +10 Eff: Levitation WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL

The cloaks went to Faiar and Bezerka

Just as I am writing this Im also hearing that we've cleared fear (hug AE spells*) and killed Cazic Thule. Being a devoted Thulite myself, this will offcourse get no more attention here(go kill tunare instead bastards!), instead let me tell you what Ive been up to recently.

Lately Ive been lucky enough to meet and spend time with a person who is now very dear to me, this combined with work has limited my time and will continue to do so in the future as she is now moving over here to live with me :)

But while it may limit my playtime on Everquest, we both enjoy playing around on IRC alot and thats what I really wanted to talk to you about :

Raging Fury has a channel on the Quakenet IRC Network, its named #raging-fury and you can chat with your local Everquest idols by getting this program here.

So why should you come hangout with us ? Simply cause this the only way for you to experience something thats vaguely familiar to what is Raging Fury's guildchat. Dont believe me ? Let me give you a few examples :

Gizzig : Hello, male 29 looking for cute little girl
Gizzig : fuck wrong channel

Slitz : when I turned 15 I wanted a moped but my mom bought me a bloody horse

Niza : according to koom's post, i am more active than 85% of our clerics, and done 1 raid in the last 15 days

Laughter : Tie here says english men really suck in that true? <-- my personal favorite

dano : men have it easy, we practice wrists all the time :P <-- funny how this comes from a bard isnt it?

hic-hic-hic : best couple = deaf husband, mute wife

Blakron : and she sleeps with my guild leader.. just to punish me.. iam sure.. part of her evil plan

Faiar : A_uber_DKP_program tells the guild 'GRATS LODUR! Cenne: You dont REALLY want that. Moonshade: I know about that ninja episode Craon: You forgot to take your pills

Lodur : im not THAT old
Eberan : actually, you could be my dad ?
Lodur : if i was your father, you'd be a nice kid :)

Karthu : just buy em 5 drinks and they are yours Karthu : if they can handle more you dun want them anyway cause they are too expensive

Thats it for this time folks, expect to see Hoverrangs regular updates back when we kill something again

Guildleader of Raging Fury

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