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17.05.2010 Killer Queen - Killed! by Imrahil

We have seen quite a few bugs/ants in this expansion so far, but the latest raid we had to bang our heads against had the biggest of them all: The Cliknar Queen!


This raid was even harder than the previous events, we were overwhelmed by the brutal hits of the Queen and her minions quite often, so indeed this picture showing Cerberus (ya it's a female toon) tanking the Queen is fitting:


Anyway, after dozens of tries and countless deaths we managed to refine our strategy more and more and finally tonight we got the Queen down!

I was so excited that I didn't get a good screenshot of the Queen with low HP and even forgot to make shots of the loot, but here it is: Gleaming Cliknar Pincer, Sacred Engraved Hoop, Queen's Prime Minion Saddle and 2 armor pieces.

To make up for my slackness in good screenshots (I might add one or two of some of my guild mates later), I am adding an adaption of an old song by Queen (sic!:

Cliknar Queen

She keeps aphits and young ants
in her pretty cavern hive
"Let them eat dirt" she says
just like every other night
A built in remedy
for mana and level expi
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline.
AEs and rampage spanks
well versed in raping tanks
Extraordinarily fierce

She's the Cliknar Queen
biggest ant you've ever seen
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your raid (anytime).

Recommended at the price
insatiable appetite
Wanna try?

All you guilds out there who haven't had a look at her yet: Feel free to try her, but be prepared for a long and harsh learning process. This can be said for almost any raid in UF so far (well at least in their first incarnations), this expansion is defintiely giving us the challenge we (and most of the other bleeding edge guilds) have been asking for.

I find it rather pathetic though, when one of the most prominent US guilds had to use exploits for their first wins and continued to use other exploits to give them an advantage on fast loot and flags. The same guild which bragged that 4 groups of her members could outtank, outheal and out-DPS any full raid of every other guild, now had to whine when they were finally punished after years of exploiting, manipulating lockouts and using graphic bugs for their advantage. I won't even comment on their obvious attempt to throw dirt at other high end raid guilds to make themselves seem less shabby, because "everyone did this". I will only say that I myself would feel totally lame if I had resorted to buff-blocking or geometry tanking to beat an event first time.

So, if you want to join a high end raid guild which is still among the top after so many years without sacrificing its dignity on the altar of progression then don't look any further, just check out our recruitment section for details or talk to a recruiter or an officer.

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