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30.03.2005 Minor update by Nineveh

No particular reason for this update really, I for one got fairly fed up with watching the same old Vishimtar picture each time I loaded the page. Speaking of Vishimtar, we are still doing our upmost to kill him in a position that might actually resemble a decent corpseshot, though as of yet, such an oppertunity has all but eluded us.

Content wise, and I believe I am speaking for practically every high end guild out there, the weekly agenda is quickly becoming pretty repetitive, more precisely a Tacvi Clearing, Anguish clearing, selected dragons within the new expansion (read:two), and potentially an occasional MPG trial should the nostalgy arise. Add a day or two of working on the Overlord Mata Muram encounter, and you have the raiding schedule for the next few months laid out pretty plainly. Further content is sorely needed, and should this fail to be addressed within a reasonable amount of time, further server mergers will most definitely be required, i.e announce more raiding content!

Everquest recently celebrated its six year anniversary, and with it, by popular demand, Fabled mobs were introduced anew, this time in the Kunark expansion zones. Familiar faces such as Venril Sathir, Gorenaire, Talendor and Trakanon were all somewhat buffed up and made for an entertaining reunion, and as the search for presentable Vishimtar picture is still undergoing, the fabled celebrants will have to do for eyecandy.

The Fabled Gorenaire The Fabled Venril Sathir

Mindreaver's Vest of Coercion

what happens if you gate a rooted mob? michael jackson? /petition Nineveh is using words I dont understand can you b...
getting tells from finne about how old my mum is :( hi my name isJoe and i have negative rfp...this is my store.... who is the most popular person at a borrusia munchengladbach...

ae breaks mezz

07.03.2005 Vishimtar the fallen slain by Nineveh

A decaying dragon withered to the unrecognizable by the corruption festering beneath the mountains awaited a wary raidforce amid the eerie setting of the nest. Summoning an array of unDead servants to his aid, Vishimtar sought to spread the taint that seemingly had consumed the once lithe dragon, to no avail.

This encounter is possibly the most captivating challenge of DoN to date, not necessarily due to the difficulty involved, the dragon himself is quite easily bested once the correct strategy is applied, though the involvement of every member present definitely makes this fight one to remember.

Unlike the Mata Muram encounter, one slight neglect will not render the fight all but impossible, but merely prolong an already lengthy fight. As of yet we have not been able to allocate further content in the DoN expansion, and while the newest addition to Everquest has of yet been all but euphoria, one can only hope that further raiding content will be revealed. If not, completing an expansion in less than three weeks will surely be somewhat frowned upon, time will tell. Extremely poor screenshots this time around, one could almost think they were supplied by Finnemann!

Vishimtar the Fallen Vishimtar the Fallen's corpse
Rod of Shaded Wrath Dark Heart of Vishimtar Accursed Earhoop of Pain

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