View Full Version : Loginserver down?

02-05-2011, 17:52
Seems that Sony is hacked again. Anyone was able to login?


02-05-2011, 17:58
Fanta and me cannot log in either.

"An unknown login error occurred with the login type. Please try logging in later."

02-05-2011, 18:03
Some information can be found on Allakhazam:

02-05-2011, 18:04
here its timeout..seems to be another issue since EQ-Players and all other SOE Service are down.

02-05-2011, 18:15

02-05-2011, 18:27
hope we can soon play

02-05-2011, 18:31
I cant get on to geting the timed out msn

02-05-2011, 18:35
I saw on the news early today that sony basically pulled the plug on itself after learning that the personal information of their customers as well as their employees was at risk. they said sony would soon be sending out emails to over 70 million customers whos personal information was comprimised as a result of the attack. they also went on to say that one sony spokesman said it could be a couple weeks before all sony services are reinstated.. sounds like a mess to me =(


Apparently the above attack led to an investigation that uncovered a hole in sony's security thus they pulled the plug on the whole sony gaming network

02-05-2011, 18:41
Thing is that it doesn't matter how seciure anyones system is, there will always be someone who is able to hack this secure system. No matter what mankind tried to secure, someone came along and showed that it isn't safe,

Better they bring everything down right away and even if they keep it down for 1 month.

I mean people are able to break into bank accounts, people somehow hacked the Siemens system that is responsible for the atomic plants in Irak and manipulated them....

Nothing is really safe in this world, when I think how many update and secure patches Microsoft is sending....I feel sorry for the guys fom Sony....some crazy people out there in this world and the internet is a big base for crime of any kind.

02-05-2011, 18:52
In the mean time, hows our Attendance :P

02-05-2011, 18:59
Service is Timed out for me too... impossible to login

02-05-2011, 19:30
/tell Vmas 'RFP pls'

02-05-2011, 19:39
/tell Vmas 'RFP pls'

sry you are 30min too late!

03-05-2011, 04:33
Better start monitoring your credit card accounts for suspicious activity. Just in case.

03-05-2011, 18:02
Friend talked to our bank and they said no reason to panic. The small security code on the backside of card is unknown and our bank even wants a third security code when I buy something and even if someone steals money, there is an assurance and all banks are informed about the problem, there was already a mail sent by the credit card companies.

03-05-2011, 20:29
Some more (maybe not new) information for the german people:

Sorry, only found it in german but you can use an online translater if you like! :biggrin:

Link: http://www.spealz.de/sony-online-hack-psn-ausfall-soe-server-down/5047/ (http://www.spealz.de/sony-online-hack-psn-ausfall-soe-server-down/5047/)

Gerade erst war nach dem PSN-Ausfall der letzten Wochen die Hysterie wieder ein wenig abgeflaut, hat Sony die nächsten negativen Schlagzeilen am Hals. Denn anders als zunächst kolportiert, sind nun offenbar doch auch von der anderen Online-Sparte SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) Kundendaten gestohlen worden. Die Server sind schon down.
Während man beim PSN damit rechnet, dass noch diese Woche der Zugriff wieder möglich wird, könnte es bei SOE-Games wie Star Wars Galaxies oder dem Familien-MMORPG Free Realms (Screen) noch etwas länger dauern. Zumindest muss Sony auch hier die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verschärfen.
Wie bekannt wurde, erreicht der SOE-Datendiebstahl nicht ganz die Ausmaße des PSN-Hacks, doch statt 77 Millionen sind hier immerhin 24,6 Millionen Accounts betroffen, wobei ähnliche Datensätze mit persönlichen Informationen wie Name, Adresse, Mail etc. in die Hände der Hacker geraten sind. Die Kreditkartendaten sollen hier nicht enthalten sein. Möglich sei jedoch, dass eine ältere Datenbank von 2007 gehackt wurde, worin 12.700 Kreditkarten und 10.700 Bankkonten aus den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich, Niederlande und Spanien verzeichnet waren – wenn auch ohne Sicherheitscode der Kreditkarten.
Gewarnt wird seitens Sony (http://www.soe.com/securityupdate/) wie nach dem PSN-Hack vor Phishing-Betrügern, und auch die genaue Überwachung der eigenen Konten sowie das Zulegen neuer Passwörter macht für SOE-Kunden Sinn. Man fragt sich nur: Welche Hiobsbotschaften kommen als nächstes von Sony?

03-05-2011, 21:54
Something "funny" while you waiting for servers up.
