View Full Version : Long Time!

09-06-2011, 23:37
Hey guys, its been a long time but wanted to drop in and say hi to RF and all my old buddies on AB. How are the old Tide-lings doing? Congrats on the success you guys have been having with HoT, nice to see you guys are still keeping pace as one of the leading guilds server wide.

Things are on the up and up for me these days. Had a rough patch but we actually made it through it. EQ had to be put on hold but back to playing regular now and raiding nights again. Its weird to be raiding at night vs the morning but its a good change. Wife and I are heading to FF again and hoping to get to hang out and chat with the RF group again. So who is going to FF this year?

10-06-2011, 00:06
Hi Caurion, nice to hear from you :).

So far Spiritbane, Koyoti, Cerberus, Manadasa and myself are attending, but I am still hoping for more :).

See you there!


10-06-2011, 20:01
Hi Caurion good to see you back in EQ.
Think our old Tide members are happy here (at least they dont complain :p )

Regards Jara

11-06-2011, 00:12
Hi Caurion!

Good to hear you're fine again! I won't be coming to the FF though but have fun with the rest of the crazy bunch!


11-06-2011, 11:40
Hi hun,

Yeah Kikthin been banned! :) Glad to hear you are ok and doing good now! The tide-lings seem to be settled here now, i know i am.
Have fun at the FF, we might make it next year or so if Kikthin behaves :banana:

12-06-2011, 10:44
/wave :)

12-06-2011, 22:08
/waves at the beastie too=)

And yeah we're having a good time (thanks again RF-members to make us a good home, can never be said enough times=).
Just the gaming/raiding is bit boring due to not much content to do that would be worthwhile (and we don't have it splti over 3 days sadly). But not much we can do till SoE adds some more content. A zone where you need to hack accounts to proceed would be good sarcasm of them=)

15-06-2011, 00:31
Glad to see my old friends from Tide are doing well here. I really miss you guys. It is an interesting change of pace ending my day with EQ raids rather then waking up and starting my day with them. We are currently gathering SS keys and I am very much looking forward to raiding the end zone. Other then that I am just trying to work as much as I can and stay busy with the kids.

Kikthin....wtf your banned from FF?

Kryil I really miss the late night groups and funny conversations we use to have.

Korlax and Cana big hugs! Glad to see you guys are doing well!

Jarasil glad your keeping the Tide peeps in check :biggrin:

Imrahil pallysmile look forward to chatting with you at FF, can't believe there is less then a month til Vegas!

So is BJ still around and kicking? Shanee? Kordan? Kutufluix? (yes I still remember how to spell that name :p) Damn the memories lol

15-06-2011, 09:30
BJ still kicking and kidding around, just too lazy to write much :bunny: :w00t:

15-06-2011, 10:14
Kikthin....wtf your banned from FF?

Yep, I insulted the devs too much apparently! You know how I am... :p

And if you don't believe that.. I just rather spend my vacation days somewhere else.. someone has to keep Kryil in check ;)

17-06-2011, 09:33
Hi Caurion :) nice to see you are still overhere!

30-06-2011, 22:17
Thanks for posting my old friends. Still really missing you guys! 7 days til FF can't wait to hang out!

01-07-2011, 16:41
Leaving today for Vegas. Will warm up the city for you Caurion... 100 on red?