View Full Version : Jojo is at the hospital

02-12-2013, 19:23

this is Jojo`s husband writing.

I just want to inform you that Jojo is at the hospital. Nothing bad happened.
She will just have a deeper investigation to her heart problems



02-12-2013, 19:37
thx for the information Ben, and hope she get well soon)

02-12-2013, 19:46
Giant Treehug to Jolene!

02-12-2013, 20:12
Doh hope everything goes ok.

02-12-2013, 21:59
Send her our best wishes Ben :wave:

02-12-2013, 23:56
Alles Gute, bitte richte unsere Genesungswünsche aus und vielen Dank für die Info!


03-12-2013, 08:12
I hope everything goes well and send her my best wishes.

03-12-2013, 14:27
oooh! Send her a big HUG from the Spanish-crew! Our best wishes for you both!



03-12-2013, 17:17
Come back I miss my pottymouth!

03-12-2013, 21:36
Best wishes to her and a speedy exit out there after the investigations.


04-12-2013, 13:22
oh yeah and plenty of bad ass prescription drugs! Anything with codine in it is good =)

Don't you love having some left over for storage and use at a later time =P

04-12-2013, 13:59
Hi everyone, thanks for the best wishes. For now I am at home but on the 13th of January I will have another investigation during which they can correct my heart problem. I do not know if I can raid until Monday, since I was told to keep my arm steady, they put some nasty catheter through my wrist atery which made it collapse and they had to repeat the procedure through my main artey in my leg.

I have a deflector nerv inside my heart that gives a wrong electrical impulse every view years. When I was young my heart went back into its common sinus curve after some minutes, but since some years it doesn't do that anymore. So what happens is that out of the sudden without any leading sign my pulse goes up to 230 / 235 and does not stop doing that. Happened on Sunday while I ordered a fish meal on our christmas market. The extra electrical pulse goes in circles through one heart chamber.
What they will do on the 13th is to put several catheter into my heart and provoke this abnormal sinus curve to see where this extra nerv is, then they will burn it and my problem is gone. There are some bad things that can happen that can lead to cardiac pacemaker, when this extra nerv is too close to the ones you actually need and they burn them also. But that is very seldom and no one knows yet where my extra nerv is hiding )))

Thanks a lot again for the good wishes.

04-12-2013, 16:31
Good to hear you are home again, bad though to hear about your health issues generally :(.

I wish you all the best and don't worry about EQ for now :)

07-12-2013, 09:28
Get well soon