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12-11-2014, 23:41
Something about me

Hello guildmates,

You all know I always talk about my disability and I thought it might a good idea to describe a little bit what the Asperger's Syndrome really is about. Maybe a better understanding of this disability helps you and also me to better understand each other.

I would like to thank jolene for helping me with this

Asperger's Syndrome

What is it?
It is a developmental disorder related to autism but with a lower severity. People with autism are not able to be part of the common life,
people with Asperger are able to do so, they can study, get degrees etc. but still they are different than common people.

The most noticeable weaknesses are:

Weakness in any social interaction, communication, understanding of complex feelings, understanding of metaphors or weasel words, understanding of
others facial impressions and body language. Vise versa common people also do not understand their impressions and words.

They often focus on one thing to a degree which also makes other people look at them and wonder about it.

There can be two forms of this special interests.
a. repeating of things that are either senseless or useless (like special body moves, clapping hands after each sentence, repeating special words two time, etc.),
b. putting all focus into one thing that makes sense and is useful but to a degree that makes them "High Specialists" on something and sometimes they repeat their knowledge
or talk about it with no end, no matter if others are interested in it or not. They just cannot understand why others do not care or they are simply not able to feel that others are already
annoyed and most important, they cannot stop. e.g.: learning all about green apples and doing monologues about them and that on a daily basis.

Because of that other people think they are weird, idiots or just unfriendly, but that is never the case.
They are as intelligent as other people and they also want to be part of a social community.

Another special thing about Autism and Asperger is the so called Savant Syndrome. That is nothing you can learn on the university and it is not the same as just memorizing the telephone book, or
knowing all about green apples.

It is the ability to remember or calculate things that common people never would be able to, sometimes similar to a computer. People with high severe Autism have this more often than people with Asperger.
Savants can tell you what day of the week it was on the 12th of March 1267, or they can calculate difficult mathematic problems without a calculator within some seconds, or they have the ability to understand
things common people never would understand

One famous example:

Temple Grendin a female autistic professor in the US who understands cattle's like no one else in the world.
she got the US cattle farming societies to change everything regarding cattle farming during the last 20 years.
Her knowledge about cattle's is so big, that she is even able to interpret the sounds they are making and to tell the farmers that they are scared because the fence is painted in red colour.
And this is not a joke !!!

Often people with Asperger seems to be not interested in others only in their selves, but that is not what they feel inside.
Many of them have the desire to be with other people, but the weaknesses listed above makes this often a huge problem. People without any knowledge about this disorder fool them,
ignore them, bully them......

Often they have to learn what to say and how to react in special situations like common people memorize a poem, so they do not offend others.

The way they feel is often more simple than other people feelings. They know straight feelings like: Love, Hate, Fear and Anger.
But the more complex feelings common people have are hard to understand for them. e.g.: people start to cry because something beautiful happened. Those things normally can
not get along.

All in all it is a little bit like they are living on a different planet with very weird people and they try to be a part of it.

The more common people know about Asperger the easier it might be for both, the ones living on planet A and the ones that live on plant B to get along.

kind regards

13-11-2014, 08:11
Thank you for sharing Tehethlax, I've had some young interns with aspbergers and they all did a good job once intructions were crystal clear.

13-11-2014, 18:55
Thumbs up for this ! And you are welcome.

13-11-2014, 19:21
Hi Tehe thanks for sharing this with RF. For sure it was a hard step and it open my eyes how your problems influence the interaction with other people.

Glad to help you whenever needed, just let me know.

Regards Jara

13-11-2014, 23:45

14-11-2014, 17:03
Well said and well put.

25-11-2014, 08:15
Great that you explain it Tehe, I myself have a nephew with autism so I can recognize some of the things described.
I suffer from (some peolple think itīs strange that I say I suffer from it) a hightened level of empathy (has caused several depressions in my life, with the last one resulting in being hospitalized and being medicated for 2― years).
I think that is why I have soloed almost my entire career, because allthough I also want company, it can be very hard for me to be with people.... even in EQ... since my empathy sometimes gets "askew".

In short, I sence other peoples emotions easier than my own... which is bad... for myself... in a sence my problem is the opposite of yours... when with people in RL I sence every little detail in bodylanguage and so on... this makes it relaxing for me in some sence to play EQ, since I donīt get these inputs all the time, so my brain isnīt working overtime ALL the time... but when I DO sence things in EQ it presents the problem that I HAVENīT got these things to help me understand.... and then I get confused.

Well.... in short what I want to say is.... being the way you are.... and being the way I am.... I guess we will always have social problems... and have to explain ourselves....

I read that you are cancelling your account from january... honestly donīt... stay in the game... if you, as me... have social problems, then you.. as me.. need any kind of social interaction you can get... all problems related to it aside...

25-11-2014, 13:30
This is a link of somebody with aspergers


this link explains alittle about autism


this link shows somebody with LFA (low functioning autism)


This is how my stepson is (except he is 10 )

25-11-2014, 13:44
I suffer from depression , but from my family background depression is genetic :( 1 problem after another

I get loads of rejections in the real world, from everything women thnk I am a weirdo , employers don't want you because they feel they have to spend loads of cash supporting you (which is not true the European union has funds t help employers - that the uk government pays for)

I have problems where I say what I feel , and find it hard to lie

rejection is also a big problem with ppls with any form of autism this is down to the fact as children and through most of out adulthood we are called all sorts of names bulled , threatened , and through the media portrayed as benefit scroungers because we cant find work etc etc

so our confidence is always shot to pieces

25-11-2014, 15:59
If I had to wear armor the color of daze's I would suffer from depression too!!!!!