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23-01-2017, 02:42
Just cleaning up my bookmarks and came over to read a few threads.
Funny still some good old ppl are playing :-)

23-01-2017, 12:43
Hey Opi :p

23-01-2017, 18:03
Hi Ninan, hoffe Aan und dir geht es gut :wave:

Grüße Jara

23-01-2017, 18:37
Huhu Ninan :)

24-01-2017, 10:22
Good old people�� and that coming from you ����������
Nice to see that our mummy is still bandaged and going his way!!!

24-01-2017, 19:13
Hi Ninan,

die Wizzies kommen immer, wenn man sie am wenigsten erwartet.

Schau doch auch wieder mal vorbei ;P


07-04-2017, 12:12
Hallo Gruss Dich,

Hi Ninaa--this is the frog cleric. How has Raging Fury been? I noticed that the guild website news hasn't been updated for a long time. I left shortly after Daybreak reclaimed the game. What's everyone up to? I miss you guys, I miss speaking in German and doing raids.

I moved to Thailand in December and I teach English here--I love it. I'd love ot hear from some of you!


07-04-2017, 18:42
Hey Poe nice to read from you. :wave:
Yes the news need an update we currently working on EoK T3 raids and some of the old names are still here.

Regards Jara

08-04-2017, 12:35
Ah hi Jar, how have you been? Did a lot of the player base leave then? I can't tell from reading the official EQ forums

08-04-2017, 14:26
Yes EQ lost players the last years, RF merged with DW to keep a good raidforce and think both guilds are happy about that step.

If you have time Poe look how we are doing in Norrath

Regards Jara

08-04-2017, 14:38
ja, ich sollte mal guecken. have gerade gesehen DW post auf forum. Um wieviel Uhr spielt euch?

08-04-2017, 15:11
We still have the old raid times Sunday to Wednesday 19:00 to 23:00 CET.

08-04-2017, 15:15
Did they come to our server or did RF people merge over onto their server?

09-04-2017, 06:30
Do you still use the teamspeak application? Actually, it wasn't teamspeak, but I cannot remember the name of one you used. I wouldn't mind chatting with some of you on that because I am on vacation right now. Could you link me and give me password please?

09-04-2017, 09:05
I think it was Ventrilo. Unfortunately I don't know any "official" Teamspeak or Ventrilo server used by RF.
Any server / login data which can be found in this forum seem to be outdated.

Some people use Teamspeak servers to which they have access from their former guilds, though.

09-04-2017, 10:02
Ok thanks, would be fun to speak to some of the Germans and other people.

Did DW move to our server or did the RF people move over there?

09-04-2017, 10:29
RF and DW was both on Antonius Bayle server, so no move was necessary :)

10-04-2017, 07:08
Jara, i think he is speaking about ventrilo or teamspeak server lol