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View Full Version : Well done in TSS

11-11-2006, 19:35
Just wanted to stop in and congratulate RF on still kickin mucho ass.

Keep makin me wish I had never retired Ori.

Best of luck guys, keep up the good work.

11-11-2006, 20:19
Meh...you were a wizard; retirement was the only logical option....:sadolf:

11-11-2006, 20:30
i didnt give you permission to come out the corner much less the closet mage, now shoo

he ori glad to hear your ok =)

13-11-2006, 08:23
*smack Ori* Get back here bro !

Glad to hear you are doing okay man :)

16-11-2006, 12:34
believe me bro, I'd love to come back to raiding, but unfortuneately I'm working nights for the next 2 months, and I'm heading back to the states come february. So for now I'm living the casual life. I'm leveling my characters when I get the chance, and raiding early DoN dragons and some higher GoD zones with some old friends. Bezy is gettin bigger, bit by bit. Soon I'll have him to 11k unbuffed. And maybe some day years from now he'll catch up to Rahvin.:cool:

Take it easy.