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28-11-2006, 15:02
Guten tag!

Can any of the german players please translate wilderbeast to german?

And please dont tell me its wilderbeast, then my life is ruined! :(

(wilderbeast, the brown horse/cow hybrid that stampedes in the lionking... insanely cool looking)

Danke fur elise etc.


28-11-2006, 15:12
I'm not German, nor do I have any German language skills. In English it is in fact a Wildebeest, taking a mooch around some online translators...

Purely a guess based on the spelling of wildebeest it's probably a Boer or Dutch word originally since there were a lot of Dutch explorers in southern Africa I guess that's a possible. I could be totally wrong on that but beest isn't an Englist type of spelling.

Streifengnu is the Blue wildebeest
Weissbartgnu is the Black wildebeest

I can only assume those are seperate species since I make no claims to being an African antelope specialist :grimmrun:

28-11-2006, 16:04

Hej zorrbald :wave:

28-11-2006, 17:38
Main Entry: wil·de·beest
Pronunciation: 'wil-d&-"bEst
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural wildebeests also wildebeest
Etymology: Afrikaans wildebees, from wilde wild + bees ox
: either of two large African antelopes (Connochaetes gnou and C. taurinus) with a head like that of an ox, short mane, long tail, and horns in both sexes that curve downward and outward -- called also gnu

28-11-2006, 18:10
Wildes Biest (Bestie, Tier)

Ich denke mal ist ne Antilope ?? Oder nen olles Gnu )

28-11-2006, 18:47
Definately NOT antilope. Over here we call them "gnu". Antilopes are totally different animals :)

28-11-2006, 19:31
Wilderbeest in german is ... tada! Wildebeest. Yes its in fact a direct copy of the german word..

28-11-2006, 19:54
de.wikipedia.org says:

Gnus(Antilopen) (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnus_%28Antilopen%29)

28-11-2006, 20:06
I'd go with Gnu.

28-11-2006, 22:57
A Gnu is a Kind of Antilope? :wave:

28-11-2006, 23:16
The wildebeest (from Dutch "wild animal"), also called gnu (pronounced or ), is a large hooved (ungulate) mammal of the genus Connochaetes, which includes two species, both native to Africa: the Black Wildebeest (C. gnou), and the Blue & White-bearded Wildebeest or Blue Wildebeest (C. taurinus). The gnus belongs to the family Bovidae, which includes antelopes, cattle, goats, and other even-toed horned ungulates.

I remember them "Selling" Typhoo tea in the uk :)


GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix". The GNU project was announced in 1983 by Richard Stallman with the goal of creating a complete operating system -- called the GNU system or simply GNU -- that is free software, meaning that users are allowed to copy, modify and redistribute it. The GNU project is now carried out under the auspices of the Free Software Foundation (FSF). ...

28-11-2006, 23:56

29-11-2006, 00:23
apparently spiritbane is dutch/flemish.

I go with his translation ;) Wildebeest : wild animal, roughly translated. ;)
plural would be wildebeests

Warmest regards

ps: yes I do lurk here for my old dg friends ;)

29-11-2006, 01:14
It is not used in Belgium/netherlands. I believe it must be south-african, which is very similar to dutch/flemmish from a few centuries ago.

would be wild beest in dutch

29-11-2006, 08:04
well, I remember my grandmother talking wildebeests, hence ... she was with her aunt (a missionary) in South afrikan.
Glad to see there are more belgians here..
Regards from oostende, the coastal (where the sun still shines !!! crazy weather!)

29-11-2006, 08:28

Height: 45-55 inches at the shoulder.

Weight: 350- 550 pounds.

Habitat and Range: grassy plains and open woodlands in southern, central, and eastern Africa.

Wildebeest mainly eats grass. Their life span in captivity can be as much as 21 years.

The wildebeest -also known as the gnu is a large antelope. The bull's deep grunts sound like a giant croaking frog. Because of its appearance and spirited behavior, Dutch settlers in South Africa named the animal wildebeest, which means wild beast.


In German it's a Gnu.

29-11-2006, 09:22
Ok so its exactly the same as in danish then, thats sorta dissapointing, was hoping for some obsqure german version of it, anyways thanks for all the replies... few more than I had expected but hey, everybody loves wilderbeasts I guess :)

Now I know what to name my eq2 paladin twink!


29-11-2006, 09:42
Paladin huh? I can see you've become totally demented and erratic during yoru retirement :)

29-11-2006, 09:51
These are also a lot of excelent names for paladins :) "Sædsnapperen" (WoW didn't catch on to that one for quite some time. "Poledancer" (Still going strong in WoW) "Klisterskyderen". og mange flere :)

29-11-2006, 14:41
These are also a lot of excelent names for paladins :) "Sædsnapperen" (WoW didn't catch on to that one for quite some time. "Poledancer" (Still going strong in WoW) "Klisterskyderen". og mange flere :)

Eww... that is disgusting.

29-11-2006, 14:45
Erratic yes, demented? perhaps, but I find comfort in the fact that I can create a troll paladin abomination :)

Og maybe a fae... ooh a flying crusader with flowers in the hair... that might have alot of really annoying roleplaying oportunities...