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View Full Version : OMG Divine Grace is Raiding Again! O_o

11-01-2007, 01:51
HI :)

Hey guys I just wanted to pop in and say hello again. If you remember in my last "hellos" post I told you that I made DG on The Bazaar in EQ2. It started out with just me really, but all of a sudden the guild exploded in size. Within two weeks we were killing stuff that only the top raid guilds on the server could take out.

OMG .... the DG tag is uber again! :)

Heh, I know its not a big deal to you guys now, but it brought back a lot of memories raiding with you guys in EQ1. Those were some good times and I'm glad to see a new raid crew sporting the DG tag.

Catya is still on Blackburrow, but she doesn't play much anymore. Not really sure what she is up to actually. Well, if you guys want to stop by the new DG site, it is at http://www.eq2dg.com and I will be putting up some raid pictures sometime in the near future. It is a new site, so ther eis not a lot of content.

I know a few in RF toy around with EQ2. Send me a tell sometime to say hello. Cross server tells work too. /tell The_Bazzar.Vach is the format I believe. (Vach is my toon name.) I gave up the enchanter gig in favor of a guardian. Way more fun to MT :)



12-01-2007, 20:29
I gave up the enchanter gig in favor of a guardian

Chanters rule!


21-01-2007, 04:11
Encs kick arse, always have done, always will!! :)

Hi all :) Long time no see for all who remember me (or are trying to forget me) hope all is well in the land of EQ.


21-01-2007, 11:00
Heya Noprobs :-)

Long time indeed.
Yes all is well in EQland :-) We are still verry much alive and kicking.

Say hello to Chippo :-)


21-01-2007, 11:15
/wave Noprobs. Long time no see. Have fun in whatever game you play. :thumbsup:

21-01-2007, 14:48
Hey nop, hope all is well and say hi to that crazy pally from me as well :)

and yeah ench rocks almost as much as rangers!

21-01-2007, 16:23
Lad, your are confusing "Rocks" with "dies" again!!! :grimmrun:

21-01-2007, 17:05
Lad, your are confusing "Rocks" with "dies" again!!! :grimmrun:

Its not a matter of dying, its how you die!

( and I have found out im good at it in other MMO's as well ) :grimmsmile:

27-02-2007, 16:37
:confused: :thumbsup:
Glad to see a lot of the oldtimers still kicking it on Antonius Bayle.

Me, i've moved to the US now and got married and all that so just kicking it back and spending most of my time with nature photography while I wait for my papers to be processed.

/Tach aka Andreas

24-03-2007, 11:38
omg hi2u whats left of dg peoplez!

after getting a 2nd lvl 70 on wow i've grown up and stopped mmo'ing (for the 100th time). just wanted to drop by and feel the <3 one last time!

<3 !!!

PS whats the ppl not in RF up to nowzadayz???

24-03-2007, 12:56


24-03-2007, 14:03
... omg ;p

24-03-2007, 14:15
Hey Superman!

Im residing in WoW now, just started raiding in karazhan so nothing fancy here :p

13-04-2007, 01:48
Omg Lad is raiding Kazakhstan?

I'll report you to Borat!