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View Full Version : Thanks ya'll.

24-07-2007, 02:58
I just wanted to tell ya'll thanks for the time I was a trial member. RF is a great guild and the progression was great to be a part of. You have the best Cleric team I have ever seen, not to mention that they are great people each in their own way. There are many of you that I feel attatched to, but there is more to EQ than raiding. Grouping has it's own benefits. You all keep kicking butt and finish off this expansion with a bang, the new one will be out before you know it.

24-07-2007, 08:26
Best of luck Babbles and enjoy :)

24-07-2007, 09:04
Good luck in game and RL.

I will miss the frog :(


24-07-2007, 09:45
I'll miss you Babbles.. safe journeys wherever you go! May your tadpoles all survive! :blush:

24-07-2007, 11:21
I will miss you Babbles, I regret not being able to talk to you before I went on Leave (both on Work and EQ). I hope you don't become a stranger, and I'll see you around.

24-07-2007, 11:24
See ya around, Babbles

Klorch Bashlight
24-07-2007, 12:07
See you around little one.
You gotta visit me in my swamp sometimes.


24-07-2007, 16:21
Take care Babs I will miss you in the cleric channel. Best wishes for RL stay so strong for the future as you did in the past :cry:

24-07-2007, 17:31
Take care Babbles - You are one remarkeble and wonderful Cleric / person. You will be missed.
May the best of your past be the worst of your future - Send a tell and never feel as a stranger.
/hugs x zillion billion

24-07-2007, 17:50
I wish you the very best for your future Babs. May there be many, many days full of sunshine. :lovecrazed:

25-07-2007, 16:15
It was nice to have you with us. I wish you all the best :)

26-07-2007, 18:52

i wish you all the ebst for the future !

