View Full Version : Anyone want a Monkey?

31-08-2007, 01:51
Hey guys, if you know anyone looking to buy a monkey I'm going to try to sell Jarrisa. I'm broke and need money and since I will never play again since I have absolutely no free time I figure I'll get rid of her. Last I saw she was around 13800 hp, 1100 aa, 2400 ish AC, epic 2.0, basically almost all the demiplane gear you could want besides epic 2.5 and a couple Mayong items. A lot of nice clickies and funnies in bags. I dont' expect much, oh yeah and she's on Saryn server (big mistake) but thats where she is.

31-08-2007, 03:49
i might be interested as it would save me boat loads time moveing my 62 lvl monk to this server that has no aa or gear really, let me know tho ! email me at caseywydra@hotmail.com with Possible how much your looking for and and a up todate magelo plz