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View Full Version : Wish i studied german at school and listened..

13-11-2007, 21:29
http://cgi.ebay.de/Creative-Decoder-DDTS-100_W0QQitemZ270185726632QQihZ017QQcategoryZ107202 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

trying to get hold of this notoriously difficult to get hold of piece of extremely handy kit.. to the desperation of looking on german ebay :P

Theres some on uk ebay im tracking too.

In a nutshell.. what is this german one saying in regards to UK delivery etc? shot in the dark but never know eh? :P

13-11-2007, 21:50
He/she/it only delivers in Germany.

13-11-2007, 21:54
ah crap.. oh well back to the drawing board :) thnx flitz

14-11-2007, 20:56
Or if you are really creative you pay for it and make a deal with a german RF member to get it shipped to him/her/it, and then pay that someone to ship it to you in the UK :grimmsmile: