View Full Version : Hello From Radintangir

05-03-2008, 20:54
Good Morning Divine Grace!

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I said those words. Got sentimental last night while talking to some friends about the greatest game ever created, Everquest, and some of the greatest group of people to ever play with, Divine Grace.

To everyone left from the old Divine Grace days, I wanted to stop by and say hello, or as Lees/Landario would say it “HelloS.”

I recognized a few names on your members list/posts, and I am sure some of the names have changed, but hello: Obsqura, Grynoldy, Coroq, Zethril, and Belgerrigmore (aka Rahvin). And, hello to every one of my old teammates! I hope you guys are still kicking ass and life is going well for you all.

If anyone happens to know Mimer, Anni, Lourdusamy, Noprobs, Bombfists, Leesette, or any other DG old timers in game or in real life please tell them I said hello.

Sincerely your friend,

Retired Druid of E-Marr
Divine Grace/Magister

05-03-2008, 20:57
Heya rad nice to hear from you. This is Adarian btw :P

As for mimer he is in RF but name has changed to bebop.

05-03-2008, 20:58
/wave :wave:

Mimer is named Bebop now, and still plays with us.


05-03-2008, 20:58
If anyone happens to know Mimer

Think thats Bebop now after namechange :)

05-03-2008, 21:09
Hey Radintangir! I remember you from Divine Grace, but I can't remember how long I fought alongside you.

I hope everything is going well.

05-03-2008, 21:11
hey rad ! you fat lazy haffer how you been !?!!

btw dont give out mah sekret identity !

06-03-2008, 18:06
Hiya Rad !

Long time no see :) I hope everything is fine with you. As you can see here on this board we are doing quite well.

Bebop aka Mimer

06-03-2008, 19:17
/wave Rad :w00t::wave:

07-03-2008, 22:56
Wow, so many familiar faces. I am so happy for you guys that you are still conquering and having a great time in EQ. Makes me want to reactivate my account and see who else is still around on emarr.

Things are going well here. Played a little of this and that, but mostly been studying and writing, and studying and writing. hehe. I have actually followed to path of Lourdusamy and teach economics now, which has been a lot of fun working with college students.

-Hello Adarian!
-Hey lizard Obsqura, your right, I think you just became a full member when I stopped playing in PoP so we didn’t fight together for long.
-Hey Mimer, the great druid.
-Hello Grynoldy!
-And hello Fenlayen, sorry I didn’t see your name when I looked on the members list.
-Belger I hope you are still giving them hell!

I will stop back sometime in the future to say hello again. Keep up the great hunt!
