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Old 08-08-2010, 03:25   #8
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Default Re: Infos from the Fan Fair

some more infos:

- level cap will raise to 90
- approx. 1200 new AA (varies among classes)
- beastlords get upgrades (prolly cause Obs annoyed them so much)
- spell runes will likely be distributed in a way that let's the one turning it in decide which sepll to get for it (yay!)
- feerott and PoFear will get a sort of update as they will probably be the entry to the new zones
- the nightmares kikthin mentioned are actually bz prominent characters like Miragul or Al-Kabor, not gods
- 4 raid tiers, first should be between T7 and T8 of UF
- Beta will start on Monday
- Lore weapons will not be possible to put in your house
- you can win trophies and put them in your house and they can add certain tributes

On my signal NURN!
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