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Well, that was fast! Only 2 months ago I made the first news post about the latest Everquest expansion and now it is already finished for us, ranking us among the top 5 guilds serverwide the 9th expansion in a row. Congrats everyone in RF past and present on this achievement!

Let me also congratulate those 4 guilds who have finished this expansion a few days before us and I give over to this fellow for a comment on the expansion:

Lord Brekt Lord Brekt Closeup

So, what are your thoughts about this expansion raidwise, Lord Brekt?

Pfah, this bores me.

OK, enough of the rambling, here is the traditional picture of the RF-crew that was in the raid upon the victory:

RF has beaten SoD

For those interested in the lore, this is what our good old friend Zebuxoruk has to say about our restoration of the timeline and the defeat of the invading Discordians:

SoD Final Lore

So, what was the best stuff in the last months from my personal point of view? Probably this:

Sirens Galore

Come on, what guy can not feel flattered when an army of rather hot looking girls is chasing him? Really, I have said it when TBS was the new expansion, whoever did those sirens should be making the new character models, you are my hero!

Not every army consists of such lovely creatures though, here is a picture to proof that you can also get a ton of nasty looking things when you don't focus on a raid:


Of course it might also have had something to do with Pippi's (see her in the front on the picture above?) rather... open mind for weapons:

id duel wield butt plugs if they had good stats - screw the ...

Whatever it was, it sure brought Imothep and Meph closer to each other (that's what you get for being the master of AE agro - lots of deaths and necro love):

oooh yes, meph, pump, me, ooooh yes, yes yes

Judging from his musical taste (not to mention running around half naked in leather all the time), Meemers would probably like to join in:

not as good as aqua: barbie girl, my favourite song

Vmas though is into some other sort of fetish - has anyone called 0800-illusion? Of course there are some limitations even to his collection:

we need more bankspace, 27 familiar, 20 aura, 37 Illusions

So, SOE, if you want to make sure at least one person buys the next expansion: new bankslots FTW!

Sounds like a fun bunch of people we have here in RF? Maybe you think about joining us? There is a good chance for some classes at the moment, one of them certainly rogues:

We had piercers, was no Rogs in beta, right, thanks, so beta...

A slight exaggeration of course, but rogues are on our wishlist at this time, along with berserkers, wizards, clerics and shamans.

We do accept applications of exceptional players from many of the other classes also, so speak to our recruiters Illandra or Abadonn or talk to an officer if you want to know more.

That's it for now, folks, farming months incoming!

23.12.2008 Merry Frostfell to everyone! by Imrahil

Raging Fury wishes everyone a Merry Frostfell!


Enjoy the time with family and friends, be it in EverQuest, another MMORPG or even gasp that strange game called "real life". If you want to spend some time in EQ during the holidays, you might want to have a look at Zatozia's Frostfell Overview to see what specials await you in the world of Norrath.

If you are a Rogue, Berzerker, Wizard or Cleric and think RF might be the right guild for you, then be sure to visit our recruitment section for details or talk to Illandra. Even if you are not among the needed classes we still offer the chance to become a member of the team to exceptional players from other classes, so don't be shy to ask :)

Since the last news update we have been very busy. There have been lots of fights, and while some of them were interesting from a conceptual point of view, so far we haven't really found anything really challenging - something we really hope will happen in the end zone of this expansion: The Citadel of the Worldslayer!

The biggest issues so far we have had with the sons of Rallos Zek in Eriak's Downfall (admittedly a tough script) and with the numerous bugs inside the Rallos Returns event, at which end nonetheless we stood inside the Rathe chamber where we stopped RZ from taking the power of the council:

Rathe Council

The next task we had was to find the trigger for the last raid in the Invasion of Earth-theme (to my knowledge we weren't the only guild with this problem), but once we had it nailed down we proceeded and interrupted the ritual by the Discord agents to prevent them from changing history:

The Ritual in Toskirakk

So, we now had enough flagged for Korafax (aka Discord) to start raiding there and on the first visit we met a very cool looking guy named Pallorax the Soul Slayer:

Pallorax the Soulslayer Pallorax the Soulslayer

He was so dark that he was more shadows than anything else, so excuse the overlighting on the pictures. Apart from 2 armor molds he also dropped the following stuff:

Pallorax Loot

We weren't done for the day yet so we thought we should pay a visit to a more traditionally looking mob Venom Lord Ksathrax:

Venom Lord Ksathrax

The result of this fight wasn't too much different from the first one, we smacked him down and got some shiny new toys:

Ksathrax Loot

The last fight in this zone is the Mindshear Avatar (pictures coming soon), which shouldn't stand in our way very long either, so that we can fully start the farming of the needed keys to the Citadel. 2 keys per mob means 6 keys per week so you can pretty much plan ahead on when you will see the first pictures of RF raiding in the home of the Worldslayer.

Stay tuned!

12.11.2008 Let's do the Time-Warp again! by Imrahil

This could be the motto of the newest Everquest expansion Seeds of Destruction, as the background story is about correcting the destruction of Norrath brought upon us all by the agents of Discord, who manipulated events in our past. This brings us to some crucial points in the history of Everquest like the building of Qeynos, the battle between dragons and Iksar or the fight in Bloody Kithicor between Lanys T'Vyl and Firiona Vie. This expansion shows the rich lore which EQ has built up over the years and people like our own guild loremaster Imothep rejoice while diving deep into the abundance of quests. One good part about this expansion is though, that not everyone needs to complete all the quests, so people less inclined to quest still can participate in raids without feeling like a burden.

So, what can you expect in Seeds of Destruction from Raging Fury, the guild that was the first on AB to stop the invasion of the Muramites into Norrath back during 'Omens of War' by defeating Overlord Mata Muram? Absolutely right, we are going stop them again, be it in present time or in the past! We started this new expansion with a few days off so people could get to level 85 and do some of the tasks in the various themes, tasks which are needed by at least one person to request those raids which will bring us closer towards our goal to confront the Army of Discord in their own homelands. So far we have completed all the raids in Oceangreen Hills, Field of Scale and Bloody Kithicor with a very cool looking endboss:

General Bahgresh

While not all of them were overwhelming, the lore itself is really interesting and especially the 'Last Confrontation' between Jaled Dar and Emperor Ganak on his Sokokar in the Field of Scale was fast paced and fun.

Emperor Ganak

The loot on this particular event wasn't too impressive, but it was delivered with style - nothing better than a mighty dragon corpse next to a chest:

Jaled Dar's corpse

We have also downed 'the Crystal Tyronant' in the 'Plane of Earth invasion setting', which had not too shabby loot (but of course I was not online that evening so no screenshots there, I might add some later) and are working on the next progression event there, an event which looks like the first real challenge in this expansion so far. We are definitely looking forward to it! So, do you think you might have what it takes to become a member of the only guild in Everquest that has finished among the top five serverwide in every expansion since 'Gates of Discord' more than 4 years ago? We have a few rare spots open at the moment, check our recruitment section for details or talk to Illandra.

16.08.2008 Recruitment openings by Dalrek

Unfortunately there will be no new kills to report until next expansion is released since we already killed everything in SoF, including the various versions of Kerafyrm, so instead we will give a few select people the chance to join our team before Seeds of Destruction comes out

We are looking for some new people in the form of good and high attendance rogues and berserkers, a bard and finally a shaman. More info can be found here: Recruiting status

As always, we tend to fill our open spots rather fast, so send Illandra a tell in game, PM her on the forum or send her a mail

I will see if I can dig up some quotes for the next frontpage update while we wait

24.06.2008 The Sleeper sleeps again! by Dalrek

Tonight Raging Fury has put the mighty prismatic dragon Kerafyrm the Awakened back to sleep as the first guild on Antonius Bayle and fifth serverwide.

It has been a long way for us. We started our first real attempt on Kerafyrm on may 27th and early june we reached the 50% mark. On june 10th we reached 21% and the goal was in sight after spending 7 full days working on Kerafyrm when lockouts on the rest of the zone and patches allowed it. It was a challenge to adjust to the AE, but we have kept improving our tactics and alot of different approaches have been tried, while in the meantime our execution got better and better, eventually ending with this:

Kerafyrm down

Once again we confirm our position among the best in EQ. We can only regret that we didnt get the chance to kill the same pre-patch version that we had been working on and came close to killing. However we are ready to take on the challenge if/when the encounter gets retuned in difficulty again. After all, its not just about winning, but winning with style!

I will try to get some screenies of the loot as soon as possible

20.05.2008 Another one bites the dust! by Dalrek

Just a brief update on our progress. After clearing the other wings, we have now entered Kerafyrm's domain and on the way there disposed of this little wyrmling. After that we took a brief visit to see Kerafyrm, but we were already past our normal raidhour so we just stopped by to let her know we are coming. Soon...

Brood Mother Visziaj Kerafyrm the Awakened

In other news, I find it worth mentioning that Darkwind has decided to close its doors and disband. Regardless of any differences there might have been, you can only respect their accomplishments over the years and be saddened when one of the older raidguilds in Everquest calls it a day.

We have in the past received some high quality people from Darkwind and although we have limited room at the moment, I do welcome those that we can offer a spot. I am sure you will be wellreceived and make a good addition to our team and I hope you will find a home with Raging Fury that matches what you had. To those venturing to other guilds and servers, best of luck to you all and hats of to Darkwind past and present.

15.05.2008 Vyskudra falls! by Dalrek

After tearing through the other wings, we needed a little time on the Air wing. Not so much rethinking tactics but more a finetuning of our execution.

So I am proud that I did not promise too much when I said we would have an update soon with a Dead Vyskudra. Some will say we just finally got our act together, while others will say it was Misse's promise to talk less if we won that made all the difference. The result remains the same, Vyskudra is down and we are on our way to Kerafyrm!

Vyskudra dead

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