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01.07.2010 Where there's a whip, there's a way! by Imrahil

OK, it is hot in Europe! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! The perfect time to go into the pool/sea/lake to cool off or go and have a BBQ and some beers with friends. Also it is the Worldcup and with lots of football afficionados we actually had to delay our raid schedule for 3 hours on the day Germany played against England, but apart from that, we raided constantly with full raids. Sometimes certain classes were a bit short, but we continued to work on the next event and refine our strategies and on Thursday it paid off as we managed to beat the event A Cunning Plan in Lichen Creep as fifth guild serverwide!

As usual I suck with pictures of the event itself, since we don't have any corpses after victories anymore, so instead I give you a shot of the happy crew that downed the Taskmaster Yeorick and his legions of minions, keyholders and miners and spoiled the "Cunning Plan":


How did we manage to get our members online every raid day in times like these? Let me show you in this awesome movie:

Where There's a Whip, There's a Way

OK, I admit it, I stumbled across this little gem when I was looking for a movie scene about a taskmaster and his vicious whip, because that is precisely, what made "A Cunning Plan" a challenge. The Taskmaster Yeorick with his nasty bullwhip, who was responsible for the loss of much XP during the last weeks for many a Raging Fury member. Nonetheless we stayed focused on this event while still downing all the farm targets until we managed to get all the pieces into place to overcome the Taskmaster and his whip - where there's a whip, there's a way after all!

So in the end we could finally say "Alas, poor Yeorick! We knew him well." (some Shakespeare FTW for all those illiterates out there - I promised Qujam I would quote this, after all he IS a teacher IRL)

So, what did we get for our work? Apart from the usual 2 armor pieces we got us these nice new shinies:

waraxemayhem growlingvisage

We also have shown once again that as usual RF starts slower than some others, but once we roll, we are hard to stop - so expect some more news soon! Finally a little quote which shows that RF has some strange people in the guild (as if you hadn't noticed before):


So, if you aren't easily embarassed, we might be the right guild for you! We are filling open spots pretty well at the moment, so don't wait too long to apply! We are still looking for

Shamans, Clerics, Wizards and Rogues

We do accept applications from exceptional players from most of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Brilhasti, Illandra, or Nalelini or talk to an officer.

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