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27.05.2004 Cynosure Kvanjji slain by Nineveh

Cynosure Kvanjji fell within Qvic today after having bested our guild twice with the aid of his persistant arbitors. Personally I found this encounter rather enjoyable as it differs somewhat from the traditional fighting pattern. Far from certain we applied the correct approach for this particular fight, we still ended up victorious.

Cynosure Kvanjji slain Cynosure Kvanjji slain

Our visists to Inktu'ta has yet to yield any progression unfortunately, as our latest expedition crashed moments post slaying Kelekdrix. Believe it or not, Gyldendahl actually managed to die on top of the corpse, removing any pictorial value, thus address potential complaints his way should the need arise.

Bards are still encouraged to apply, both cross server and local applications. Check our forum for further details, or contact Nineveh in game.

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