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20.11.2005 Sanguimanus the Redfang slain! by Nineveh

For close to a week now, our tactical approach to the Redfang encounter has remained unaltered, though sadly we were not able to field an optimal raidforce until tonight. Sunday seems to be day of reckoning for our guild, our best prior attempt at this particular encounter was, you guessed it, last Sunday, and with every class accounted for, hopes and expectations were both high.

Sanguimanus the Redfang Sanguimanus the Redfang dead

There are still several aspects of this fight that we can improve upon, but an ambiance of euphoria quickly spread through the guild as realisation of victory dawned upon those present tonight. The images of Redfang are all but lacking, so we will also include two random pictures taken during our exploration of the second tier in the Demi-Plane tonight. While none are unique, I for one have always enjoyed seeing pictures of new and unbeaten mobs displayed on the various newspages of diverse Everquest guilds throughout the years.

The Perfomer Tris Wallow III

We are still looking for a few clerics to compliment our healing branch, please review the forum for details, or contact our newly appointed recruitment officer, Illandra, in game.

Redfang Woots

Azure Cowl of the Diplomat Vermilion Batfur Sash

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