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Old 01-02-2006, 22:18   #1
muppet overlord
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Default For those w/o access

Greetings to you all,
As some of you saw on beta tonight i said in /gu that my time in EQ is at an end for me. I got spammed as to why and said I will post my reasons as i feel all of you deserve to know because you all in one way or another are like family to me and i will try my best to give special goodbyes to those really close to my heart. When people say doing a post like this is so very hard i now understand what they mean, its killing me inside to do this but life gives little choices sometimes.
A long time ago when i began playing this game the addiction settled in so very fast, i grew into and with the game from the earlyywipes in NTOV with a guild called anam kara to the old divine grace on emarr. I lived to log on and play to exp and to raid. BUt more then anything i lived to hang out with friends. BUt to be good at something you must give up other things as well and over the years i have become more aloof and more distant to old friends an family. When real life important events happend i found myself wanting to just play eq, and i have lost so much time. When my uncle passed away last year i didnt go see him on his birthday, his last birthday he was terminally sick with cancer. I told my self i would see him tommrow i didnt want to miss the raid, well he died later that night and things like these have been weighing on my heart for a long time now.
From a personal standpoint i have become a shadow of the person i use to be, i dont go out so much anymore and phsyically i have fallen to shit, i find my self unmotivated to really do anything even find a job and thats very troubling for me. For a while i looked for a job that woud let me raid and i would work nights but there so much wrong with that picture its not even funny, and phsyically i have jeopardized not getting into the police force or anything of that nature.
The old mike had tons of friends, went out all the time, worked out like a fiend and always had a girl friend; the eq mike lost one part of that after another, always sacrficing for the game but the void it created just was not being filled with levels and aa points. I look into the mirror these days and hate what i see, hate. And it keeps me up at night thinking out how far i have fallen and what i have become. I needed a wake up call and hopefully this will be it.
Christ this is not easy to try and say so much in such few words, lord knows the typo police are probably haing a field day with this. For me the game bcame harder and harder to log into and at the end only to talk with people. I found myself being seriously irritated over the dumbest things people would do (when i would normally just laugh)and logging after a wipe in boredom and frustraion, then this new expansion was dropped on us and to say i was underwhemled is an understatement.
But all this being said, not all of eq is horrid. My time in Raging Fury has been enjoyable and a lot of the people i have met (not of old emarr fame) are top notch poeple and for this i thank you.
I will log in from time to time to say hello and if at all possible i would like to remain guilded but if its not possible i understand completely. Now for the part i have not been looking forward to the goodbyes, if i miss you pleae dont take offense im an emotionl fucking wreck right now and not thinking 100% right, and this is in no particlar order (so stop analyizing this!)

To my fellow wizzies:
Nineveh, you are by far the most level heading, fantastic guild leader i have erver had the pleasure of knowing, and the kicker to it all is your a really cool dude as well normally that does not go hand in hand with each other. i wish you the best in your new apartment and i hope evrything goes well for you in the coming days. though i did never get those lava cakes

Tolfrogger, though there were time where you would drive me nuts i could always tell there is a kind and decnet person sitting behind that toon and though you like loading please wait a bit to much. Well that and you showed me the way of the frog and for that i am eternally grateful.

Faernx, you are harry potter sir /salute but your also a good friend and a bit of a raving nutter but thats ok you have great taste in movies, and yes i got momento today based solely on your reccomendation. Though half the time i didnt have a clue what you and nine were raving on about you eventually filled me in, so my marklar, has been marklared to the marklar.

Jarrisom, (quasi wiz) and fellow late night freak, its been great being guilded with you, you always crakced me up and for that i thank you.

to the old dg/anam kara crew

Gazmiltze, you are one of my oldest and dearest friends in eq, i was a wee elf when i first ran into you and grodan and elak, yale, chipo, noprobs, aanudari, lourdusamy, boum, snuft, melkizedek, catya, grimface, erblod, real welan, maximillian, the list goes on and on. you are one of the few people that kept me playing this game all these years and when i was in iraq always sent emails and best wishes. small things like that becoe so much more when your fighinting for you life bro and for that i will be eternally grateful and in your debt my friend.

Thordanis, my haffer brother you kept me sane these last few years and they dont make them like you anymore, for all the late nights you stayed up till the sun came up just to hang out i cant even begin to say what that means and a time or to when i was at my lowest you might have saved my life, and thats no bullshit.

Grynoldy your much like thord, haffer and all but also a late night companion though i think i kept you from taking to many naps at work , i apologise my friend and i hope in the end you chosse what is right for you.

Badu i cant tell you how happy my last few days in eq i got to have you in the same guild, not only are you the best monk i have ever played with your also one of the nicest people i have ever met in real life or eq. Sweeden trip would have not been the same with out you m8, and i still thank you for giving me all your money in blackjack.

Ianadin my friend you along with gaz are one of my longest eq friends, and one of the main reason i traveled to Sweeden. I hope one day when i pull my self out of the gutter i am in and get my own home here you will return the favor and visit me here.

To the sweedish Mafia and assorted hanger ons , Dorah, Ulfwall, Elak, Grodan, Grimface, MimEr, Angra, Flitzer, Treman, Busterlin, Footypanse, Kimmera, Ladwenae, Athoss, Luthaire, Merciu, Coroq, Ipren, Calandari(/hug), Fenlayen, Credula. You guys made this game what it is. When all is said and done its not the mobs, exp, levels, or raids that make (made) this game what it is. It is the people that made me log on day after day and i can give no better testiment to the character of you all.

To the spanich mafia, you guys always made me laugh a lot, and i think you for occasionally letting me into your uber secret groups, though i feel that cuch just wanted to drool on my frogs. So to Tumgu, Anthas, Cuchahhyilikilaial, Kala, Nami and the rest of ya i say thank you.

To the un mafias members of RF, i will miss you all in one form or another, though at times i didnt get along with some of you i did always have a deep respect for you and i wish you nothing but the best of luck in whatever and where ever life will take you.

And a speical thansk to the current/past officers Nine, Uren, Anthas, Zorrobald, Xack, Thordanis and Svartrot. If people had 1/2 an idea how much you all do/did for this guild i really suspect there would be a lot less whining and a lot more thanks you's. So from me to you, thank you for you hard work, your dedication, your commitment to details, and unwavering stoicism in the face of adversity, and most of all just for being your selves.

I thought i would end with some profound quote or soemthing that would echo down the line but alas I coupld not find anything good so ill wing it. Four years ago i began this long walk, i have met many along the way, some good some bad but in the end they all become part of me. Though time will fade the memories, i know that when my number is up i have lived and done the right thing more often then the wrong thing.

I will love and miss you all terribly my emial is listed for those who wish to keep in touch and from time to time i will stop by to say hello. And once and for all Obsqura you do have atleast one friend, me.

/fades to black

"But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just... poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed so you'd be spared your pain. " -- Henri Ducard:
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Old 01-02-2006, 23:24   #2
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It was a blast while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end :-(
You will be greatly missed.
Im sure we all feel your pain of leaving, this game demands so much of us. But I sensirly hope you will find ouy "old" Mike again.

Ohh, and be warned..... I will come visit you!

To quote a realy cool guy I once knew : "Ribbit.. Ribbit... fRoaK!! Ribbit".

Take care out there.


Hallowed are the Ori
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Old 02-02-2006, 00:44   #3
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WTH denied! Who shall tell me things like haha colts suck and stuff :/ You will really be missed..

/hugs mb
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Old 02-02-2006, 08:48   #4
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Bro...I remember the first time we met, I think it was kiting tables in fire...anyways, you, simply put, are the man. I'm glad that in the past few weeks we have been able to chat a bit; and I wish you the best.

/unlimited_pie for you.

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Old 03-02-2006, 19:57   #5
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wth rah! i knew i should have never liked you!

now i'm hurt
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Old 05-02-2006, 06:35   #6
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Default I understand but you still suck =p

I don't know if I wanna kill you or buy you a hooker!!!!! Anyways I'm at mattcerrup@hotmail.com for messenger... New york sucks!!! Mustangs and camaros rock
Reverb - Old school never felt so good!!!
Long live the old days!!!
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Old 05-02-2006, 07:05   #7
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I proudly wear a packers jersey!!! bet favre lives even though he cries!
Reverb - Old school never felt so good!!!
Long live the old days!!!
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Old 18-02-2006, 13:33   #8
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Let me be the first to publicly say "Welome back wizzy!"

And her cleric Maxzine Kiddo
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